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It seemed as though her faith in her husband, her belief that he would one day return, and her love for her son were the only ties holding soul and body together, and, with her natural religious tendencies, the spiritual nature developed at the expense of the physical. Since Darrell's strange disappearance she had failed rapidly.

Britton gave what she termed "a little house-warming," to which were invited a few old-time friends of her own and Mr. Britton's, together with some of Darrell's associates. Among the latter Marion was, of course, included, but happening at the time to be out of town, she did not receive the invitation until two days afterwards.

I knew what he was thinking: Miss Darrell's speech, that Miss Garston always excited Gladys, must have come into his mind. 'If the nurse deserves blame she will take it meekly, I replied. 'I know I was wrong to let her talk so much. I must enforce extra quiet to-day. And then he said no more. I do not think he found it easy to give me the scolding that I deserved.

It was only very gradually and at intervals that he became acquainted with the length and severity of his attack, or fully sensible that he was in Darrell's house; that that form, of which he had retained vague dreamy reminiscences, hanging over his pillow, wiping his brow, and soothing him with the sweetest tones of the sweet human voice that that form, so genial, so brotherlike, was the man who had once commanded him not to sully with his presence a stainless home.

Not one of them, at the first glance, perceived the inmates of the chamber, who were at the right of their entrance, by the angle of the wall and in shadow. But out came Darrell's calm voice: "Alban! Lionel! welcome always; but what brings you hither at such an hour, with such clamour? Armed too!" The three men stood petrified.

Ten minutes afterwards I heard the rain beating against the windows, and knew that it had set in for a wet night. 'Mrs. Darrell will not be able to go far, I thought. I sat by the bedside for some time thinking of what I had heard. It was something to have had so strong a proof of Angus Egerton's loyalty to my dear girl; and assured of that, I did not fear Mrs. Darrell's malice.

It wore an air of middle-class Tory comfort which brought a smile to Darrell's countenance as he surveyed it. "Kitty is at the Agricultural Show with a party." "Playing the great lady? What a house!" "Yes. Kitty abhors it. But it will do very well for the party to-morrow." "Half the county that kind of thing?" "All the county some royalties and Lord Parham." "Lord Parham being the end and aim?

It was Mrs. Darrell's. She had come across the room towards us, unobserved by me, at any rate. Whether Angus Egerton had seen her or not, I do not know. He rose to shake hands with her, and then went on talking about Milly's sketching. Mr. Collingwood took Mrs. Darrell in to dinner, and Mr.

This amateur eugenist was accustomed to maintain that the great men in history had for the most part been bastards; and Thyrsis, knowing this fact about him, would read editorials in his papers, in which Henry Darrell was denounced as an enemy of the home! Meantime Thyrsis was reading Darrell's books and pamphlets, and coming to realize what a mind was here being destroyed.

What Charley answers is not on record. Perhaps the aged millionnaire, who is to be the future happy possessor of Miss Darrell's charms, would not care to hear it. They drift on they are together they ask no more. The rosy after-glow of the sunset fades out, the night comes white with stars, the faint spring wind sighs over the bay, and both are silent.