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This can only be true because either your representatives in Parliament have a deep sense of constitutional morality, or that the constituencies which select them have so much sense of constitutional justice that their representatives dare not disregard these fundamental decencies of liberty.

Certainly you will not unless they are a good deal changed from what they were as I remember them. Still you must try to get on with them as well as you can, and I dare say you will find some pleasant companions in the neighborhood. I am sure you will do your best when I tell you that I am most anxious for many reasons that Mr. Penfold should like you."

In any other family dishonour, my father, I believe, had as nice a sense of shame as any man whatever; and neither he, nor, I dare say, Copernicus, would have divulged the affair in either case, or have taken the least notice of it to the world, but for the obligations they owed, as they thought, to truth.

How dare you speak " Then, suddenly interrupting himself, he turned to the chief mate and exclaimed: "Leroy, have that insolent young puppy confined below in irons until I can make up my mind how to dispose of him." The chief mate approached and took me by the arm.

Of the candidates in these elections but four opposed federation and only two of them were elected. Brown stated impetuously that not five members of parliament in Upper Canada dare go before the people against the scheme. No petitions against it were presented, and its opponents had not ventured to hold meetings, knowing that an enormous majority of the people favoured it.

MY EVER DEAR OLD ACQUAINTANCE, I was equally surprised and pleased at your letter, though I dare say you will think, by my delaying so long to write to you, that I am so drowned in the intovirarion of good fortune as to be indifferent to old, and once dear connections. The truth is, I was determined to write a good letter, full of argument, amplification, erudition, and, as Bayes says, all that.

She had a certain tenderness for the forlorn old lady, but it might not have found active expression had not the rector's pleasure come into the question. Arthur had laughed when the proposed arrangement was submitted to him. "Does your care for your pastor's spiritual welfare go so far," he asked jocosely, "that you don't dare trust him with a young woman?

Then love mounted from my heart to my eyes, like as a soft tear mounts there when one is affected." "Really, I think I am in a dream on hearing you talk thus." "And I, then! I never should have thought it possible that I could dare to tell you all this; but your despair compelled me!

The series had, therefore, come to an end, and I remained the sole survivor of and for what? I dare say that my nerves had been somewhat weakened by my two days' fast, or else it was the effect of Jeckley's cocktail on an otherwise empty stomach.

We may have some doubts about the eternal springing of hope in the human breast save in the case of childhood thank God it is always verdant there! Now few people get so low that they do not love somebody, and I dare say that no people get so low that somebody does not love them.