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But John and Thomas found it nearly as hard work climbing with the luncheon-basket in the heat of the midsummer sun as it was when they climbed to the same elevation in midwinter; only they did not slip back so fast, nor did they feel that they were art and part in a "daftlike" thing.

I did a daftlike thing then, for I put the saddle on the great horse and he was a mettle beast, with many outlandish capers and I rode through the hill to the kirk, and left word that the minister would be doing well to ceilidh at the house on the moor.

"Well done, Hamish; ye'll aye make good your putt a bonny lan' tack they would make wanting you." "It is he," cried the serving-man. "Bryde," I cried, "what is it makes you come back this way and at this time of the night?" These were the daftlike words I had for him, and me holding his hand and clapping him on the back, as if he were a wean again.

"I would be loving that place!" she cried. "There would be the house-building. By a stream the house would be, where there would be fishing, and the byres and the stables and the dykes to be building, and you would be loving to see the little foals near to you, and the young calves in the joy of living, running daftlike races in the sunshine."

"The heathen the skemp yon was the last o' the heathen hilt or hair o' him that I saw, and me mixed up wi' daftlike wars it was a packet that reached me in Dantzig," says he, "after lying a year, frae some sensible wench calling hersel' Helen Stockdale. . . ." I was dumb at that, but I was remembering the lass asking of the Scot that took the Pagan to the mouth of the Rouen river.

"I am remembering that the charm was working, Helen," said Margaret, in a voice like the north wind for coldness. "Ah oui," cried Helen, "backwards it work I kiss him la la," and she laughed like silver bells a-tinkle. Now that was a daftlike tale to be telling, but Margaret was for ever cleaving me with Helen after that.

"Glad!" said Dan, and swallowed hard. "Ay, lass, glad is not the word," and then he kept shaking my hand, and looking at me without words, but Belle was afire. "Hamish," she cried, clinging to me with her daftlike foreign ways, "will you always be bringing me good news till I am old and ugly?"

He breakfasted alone, having outstripped even the fishermen, and as he ate he arrived at conclusions. He had a great respect for youth, but a line must be drawn somewhere. "The man's a child," he decided, "and not like to grow up. The way he's besotted on everything daftlike, if it's only new. And he's no rightly young either speaks like an auld dominie, whiles.

"Weel, I'll no deny," said the older man, "but what it's daftlike, but if it is her leddyship's pleasure, it's nae business o' oors." "Pleasure!" said the youth: "if she ca's this pleasure, her friends should see about shutting her up: it's time." "She says the Romans once lived here," said John.

Clem was leaning lazily forward when Archie first saw him. Presently he leaned nonchalantly back; and that deadly instrument, the maiden, was suddenly unmasked in profile. Her accoutrement was, indeed, a cause of heart-burning, and almost of scandal, in that infinitesimal kirk company. Mrs. Hob had said her say at Cauldstaneslap. "Daftlike!" she had pronounced it. "A jaiket that'll no meet!