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In proportion as that material, practical, rustic self which nobody but 'Lige Curtis had ever seen came back to her, so in proportion the irresolute, wavering, weak and emotional vagabond of Sidon came out to meet it. He looked at her with a vague smile; his five years of childish resentment, albeit carried on the shoulders of a man mentally and morally her superior, melted away.

In the whole course of his professional experience he had never encountered anything on a par with this capricious blend of comedy and tragedy. Of course, it did not escape his acute brain that Curtis was right in assuming that the clou of the situation lay with Jean de Courtois. Dead or alive, the Frenchman must be found, and found quickly.

Of course, such congratulations were woefully misplaced, but Hermione was too well-bred to reveal any cause for disquietude other than the normal embarrassment any young woman would display in like conditions. Curtis, too, put in a quiet word which threw light on the situation. "As I told you a few minutes since, I was not aware that my uncle and aunt were in New York," he said.

I'll put you in a way to bring off the most valuable things in the house, and yet get a good character, and be trusted and valued by the family for having robbed them. At that Curtis stared, and said, if she'd but put him to such a road he did not know but he might comply with her request.

This the captain determined should not be pumped out at present, as he wanted it thoroughly to do its duty before he got rid of it. The next subject for consideration was whether it would be advisable to abandon the vessel, and to take refuge on the reef. Curtis thought not; and the lieutenant and the boatswain agreed with him.

In the lamplight her figure, slim and strong, looked like the figure of the boy in the presence of the Christ on the leaded window. Curtis Hartman never remembered how he got out of the church. With a cry he arose, dragging the heavy desk along the floor. The Bible fell, making a great clatter in the silence.

The two men upon whom the success of the President's cause chiefly rested were Judge Curtis and Mr. Evarts. Benjamin R. Curtis, when he appeared in the Impeachment case, was in the fullness of his powers, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. At forty-one he had been appointed to the Supreme Bench of the United States at the earnest request and warm recommendation of Mr.

If it hadn't been this one it'd have been the next one we passed anchored along the coast." "Who are you?" demanded Ardita suddenly. "And what are you?" "You've decided not to go ashore?" "I never even faintly considered it." "We're generally known," he said "all seven of us, as Curtis Carlyle and his Six Black Buddies late of the Winter Garden and the Midnight Frolic." "You're singers?"

Then by and by they had luncheon, and Uncle Tom Curtis said it was a much better meal than he had had at the Club the night before; and Hannah said that maybe Pittsburgh was not so black as it was painted; and Uncle Bob said he'd send the inside man to the Chandlers' to get the puppy that very afternoon. And he did. And the puppy came, and he was very small, and very fat, and very wobbly.

An hour later, as Kelson was rising from his chair in front of the fire to gaze, for the hundredth time that evening, into the eyes of Lilian Rosenberg's portrait on the mantelshelf, the door of his room flew open and in staggered Curtis white, wet and bloated. "Great heavens!" Kelson cried. "What the deuce have you been doing to yourself? You look a perfect devil!" "I am one!" Curtis groaned.