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They might have marvelled a little at first that he should tarry so long upon his errand, that he should send them no word of its progress; but presently, seeing him no more, he would little by little have been forgotten, and with him the affair in which the Queen has been so cursedly ready to meddle.

He was full of professions, and said he would do any thing to serve me; that I had been treated cursedly ill, and that something ought to be done for me. He hemmed and har'd, and at length declined this measure, for fear it might not be carried, for fear he might be outvoted.

"George nearly chokes. . . So you think I am of that sort you think ME capable What do you take me for? . . . He almost loses his head, while Cloete keeps cool, only gets white about the gills. . . I take you for a man who will be most cursedly hard up before long. . . He goes to the door and sends away the clerks there were only two to take their lunch hour.

"You're going out, my lord?" she asked. "Why, yes; I have business. Pray stand on one side, this passage is so cursedly narrow." Rosa showed no haste in moving. "And the Count Rupert, is he going out also?" she asked. "You see he's not with me. He'll wait." Rischenheim broke off and asked angrily: "What business is it of yours, girl? Get out of the way!" She moved aside now, making him no answer.

How right, how cursedly right, were the respectable dames in the accent of amused indifference which they employed for their precious phrase, "the pretty ladies"! Well, he would treat her generously but through his lawyer.

"Am I not at liberty, boy? have I not thrown the slavery behind me? Is that nothing? You may fancy your collar, because there is some gold upon it; but, trust me, it galls the neck as cursedly as the veriest brass. Come, Burke, I must have a glass of champagne, and you must pledge me in a creaming bumper. If you don't join in the sentiment now, the time will come later on.

Through its slender gothic panes one saw a walled lawn and a single elm. Beside the window and half turned toward it, so that the light fell across her face, sat the woman of the portrait. "How do!" she cried gaily to Leighton, and held out her hand. She did not rise. "H lne," said Leighton, "your room's so cursedly feminine that it's like an assault for a man to enter it."

"Why, damme, Clary! you have been a lost man," cried Sir Philip, "ever since you were drowned. Damme, why did not you come to dine with us that day, now I recollect it? We were all famously merry; but for your comfort, Clarence, we missed you cursedly, and were damned sorry you ever took that unlucky jump into the Serpentine river damned sorry, were not we, Rochfort?"

People are getting so cursedly in earnest now-a-days, that I shall have to bolt to the backwoods to amuse myself in peace; or else sham dumb as the monkeys do, lest folks should find out that I'm rational, and set me to work. Lancelot laughed and sighed. 'But how on earth do you contrive to get on so well with men with whom you have not an idea in common!

"In the meantime we are both well armed," replied his master; "but what I fear most is the risk we run of falling down precipices, or walking into lakes or quagmires. What's to be done? This fog is so cursedly cold that it has chilled my very blood into ice." "Our best plan, sir, is to dismount, and keep ourselves warm by taking a pleasant stroll across the country.