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As for our little touches of melodia sacra during the fifth cup, the only drawback is, that no matter what the measure of the psalm be, whether long or short, Bob is sure to sing it either to the tune of Croppies lie Down, or the Boyne Water, they being the only two he can manage; a circumstance which forces us, however otherwise united, to part company in the melody, unless when moved by compassion for poor Bob, I occasionally join him in Croppies lie Down or the other tune, for the purpose of sustaining him as a Christian and Orangeman.

Mickey Free interrupted not the frame of mind in which he saw conviction was slowly working its way, but by gently humming in an undertone the loyal melody of "Croppies Lie Down," fanned the flame he had so dexterously kindled. At length they reached the small town of Kinnegad. While the coach changed horses, Mr.

When crossing the ford In the name of the Lord, The conqueror brandished his conquering sword; Then down, down, Croppies lie down! "By the powers! a very pretty song, and much obliged am I to ye for singing it, more especially as it gives me an opportunity of breaking your head, you long-limbed descendant of a Boyne trooper.

Let me give the words, and, Bob, if you could manage the 'Protestant Boys, rather than 'Croppies lie Down, it would suit it; and, indeed, it would be well if the whole congregation joined us in it. I shall give the words let me see, long measure, eight lines, four nines, and four six-sixes;

There is one song connected with Ireland which I have always thought very fine, and likewise the music that accompanies it." "I am glad to hear it, sir; there is one piece of Irish poetry and music which meets your approbation! Pray name the piece, sir." "Croppies Lie Down!" The captain sprang to his feet like one electrified. "What, sir?" said he. "Croppies Lie Down!"

He filled four books with notes, says Knapp, who has printed from them some parts which Borrow did not use, including the Orange words of "Croppies lie down," and Borrow's translation of "the best ghost story in the world," by Lope de Vega. The book founded on these Welsh notes was advertised in 1857, but not published until 1862.

"You can drink, but " "The man that says I can't drink lies," said the other. "No offence to you, Captain; no offence meant or taken. I give you a toast, and I propose that the milky gentleman in the window the milk-and-water gentleman drinks it along with us. Here's success to the loyalists and a long rope and short shrift to the rebelly croppies. Now, Mr. Milk-and-Water "

The idea of packing up ammunition for the croppies in the temporary barrack of a squadron of dragoons, and using His Majesty's straw to stuff the sacks, appealed to him as extremely comic. Hope and Neal shouldered their bundles and left the yard. "I'm afraid," said Hope, "that we can't store these in Matier's house.

If, however, you choose to play "Croppies Lie Down," I'll give you a shilling. "'Your hanner will give me a shilling? "'Yes, said I, 'if you play "Croppies Lie Down": but you know you cannot play it, your fingers never learned the tune.

Experience has warned me never to ask a player for the 'Marseillaise, or 'Croppies Lie Down, or what not; for he is pretty sure to say, 'Why, that's just what I've been giving you, or words to similar effect. Alf at last grew tired of my non-committal remarks and replies, and, with a tact which impressed me more afterward than at the time, named each tune before and after playing it.