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"I thought maybe she'd stand it all right for a day or two; then I got afraid she'd sicken right away in this rare air, and I didn't dare." "I guess so," sighed Pearl; "but, goodness! I'd sure like to see her again. I'd most give anything to hear her say, 'mi jasmin, Pearl, mi corazon." "We understand each other, you and me and Lolita," returned Flick.

Yet the first time I saw him again, after leaving him at Corazon, he heaved some at me, but he didn't know it was poetry. It was some years later. I sailed the Good Sister quite a time, and did pretty well by her.

"Straight killin's too good for him. I want to smash him first." "Tharon, mi Corazon," said Anita, stopping soft-foot beside her, "it is bad for one to talk so, to himself. The Evil One works on the mind that way." Tharon laughed. "Perhaps, Anita," she said shortly, "it is with the Evil One I have t' do, an' no mistake."

I remember, when it came morning, on the beach at Corazon, I got up, and I says: "Clyde's mucky old bags can stay there till I'm ready," I says. "What's the use!" I took a dislike to Clyde's money. I bought a passage to San Francisco, and came there in the year '75.

In the Madonna de la Servilleta painted on a napkin for the cook of the monastery the child is a simple, earthly infant, fresh and rosy, with wide-open, wondering eyes and not a trace of immortality. I myself saw a common woman of the streets stand before this picture with tears running down her cheeks. 'Corazon de mi alma! she said, 'Heart of my soul! I could cover his little body with kisses.

Here we find the gigantic Chimborazo, an extinct volcano whose summit is white with snow; Carihuairazo and Illiniza, a lofty pointed peak like the Matterhorn; Corazon, a snow-clad dome, reaching a height of 15,871 feet; Atacazo and Pichincha, the latter an extinct volcano reaching an elevation of 15,920 feet; such is the western chain, remarkable for its straightness, the volcanic cones being planted in one grand procession from south to north.

Then Craney went on talking, but I don't know what it was about. Then I says, "It don't suit me in Corazon," and I got up. I went out in the steep cobbled street that runs down to the shore of Corazon Bay. I lay all night on the shore and watched 'the waves come up and crumble on the shingle.

One of them for putting up a supply store in Corazon, running accounts there on the crops, but I didn't take to it; I was no storekeeper, but a sailor, and getting nervous to go to Panama. It was hot by the shed, and we were going up by the banana tree, when we saw a large catboat coasting down to the point, and by the hang of her sail it was Padre Filippo's.

The parrot, which had perched on her shoulder and was tweaking her ear, now hearing its name, looked up, fluttered its wings, and called out in a gruff, masculine voice: "Mi jasmin, Pearl. Mi corazon." "He's talking for me, sure," said Hanson, who knew enough Spanish to make out. "Oh, damn," said the parrot disgustedly; "why the hell can't you shut up?" Hanson gave a great burst of laughter.

"I am ol' man," Pablo answered with just the correct shade of deprecation, "but long time ago I have feel like my corazon my heart goin' make barbecue in my belly. I am in love. I know. Nobody can fool me. An' those boy, Don Miguel, I tell you, señor, hee's crazy for love weeth the Señorita Kay." Parker crooked his finger, and in obedience to the summons Pablo approached the bench.