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Now about all that needed to be done was to see that there was plenty of gasoline and oil in the reservoirs. "I'll give you a note to Dr. Hendrix," said Mr. Gladby, as Tom was fastening on his faceguard. "I I trust you won't be disappointed, Tom. I hope he will consent to return with you." "He's got to come," said the young inventor, simply, as if that was all there was to it.

On Saturday morning, the heat being unusual, they ended their game by common consent at the fourth hole and descended a wood road to Silver Brook, to a spot which they had visited once before and had found attractive. Honora, after bathing her face in the pool, perched herself on a boulder. She was very fresh and radiant. This fact, if she had not known it, she might have gathered from Mr.

There was strength even in the touch of that yellow hair. She turned to her boy imploringly. "Oh, Hans! What shall I say?" "Say what God tells thee, Mother," answered Hans, bowing his head. One quick, questioning prayer to Heaven rose from the mother's heart. The answer came. She turned toward Dr. Boekman. "It is right, mynheer. I consent."

"Well, I want you to do me a favor, my dear fellow, and I don't know how to ask you doocid big favor ah I was wondering if you would consent to act for me?" "Act for you?" repeated Barnabas, wholly at a loss. "Yes, in my little affair with Carnaby poor old Sling, d' you see. What, don't you twig, Beverley, haven't you heard?"

It was with some difficulty that the King my husband would consent to a removal, so unwilling was he to leave his Fosseuse. He paid more attention to me, in hopes that I should refuse to set out on this journey to France; but, as I had given my word in my letters to the King and the Queen my mother that I would go, and as I had even received money for the purpose, I could not do otherwise.

Until an amendment of the Constitution can be effected public opinion may secure the desired object. I give my aid to it by renewing the pledge heretofore given that under no circumstances will I consent to serve a second term.

"God bless you, sweetheart," he cried, and kissed her again, many times. "It's all right now, isn't it? I knew my father would give his consent when he found out what you were." The expression of pain which had troubled him crossed her face again, and she put her hand on his shoulder. "Listen, dearest," she said, "I love you. I am doing this for you. You must understand that."

But far from putting an end to the Emperor's embarrassments, by giving at once a full and unconditional consent, he only acceded to a part of his demands, that he might exalt the value of that which still remained, and was of most importance. He accepted the command, but only for three months; merely for the purpose of raising, but not of leading, an army.

Was that, I repeat, the act of one who wished England ill? Let Englishmen be just and say! "But, you will say, what of the German navy? Surely that is a menace to England! Against whom but England are my squadrons being prepared? If England is not in the minds of those Germans who are bent on creating a powerful fleet, why is Germany asked to consent to such new and heavy burdens of taxation?

As soon as I had given consent by my silence, accompanied with a blush, the young lady claps her hands, and immediately a closet-door opened, out of which came a young man of a majestic air, and so graceful a behaviour, that I thought myself happy to have made so great a conquest. He sat down by me, and I found from his conversation that his merits far exceeded the eulogium of his sister.