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If they have anything hidden, I mean. As long as we stick with the wreck, they have no reason for causing trouble." Tony agreed. "That makes sense to me. Perhaps you can answer this: Why do they wear cold-water suits? It's appreciably cooler at twenty fathoms, but it's certainly not cold enough for a suit." "We only stay down fifteen minutes," Scotty said.

On the previous evening the hot-water tap of my toilette had yielded only cold water. Not wishing to appear hypercritical, I had said nothing, but I had thought. I now casually turned on the cold-water tap and was scalded by nearly boiling water. The hot-water tap still yielded cold water.

He had therefore to confine his skill to bruises, wounds, or broken limbs, which he invariably treated with the cold-water system whenever water was to be procured; and as his patients recovered, his reputation was thus maintained. I cannot recount one tenth part of the adventures we met with during that long march northward across the Sahara.

The Good Effects of Cold-Water Applications Stimulation of the Circulation. As before stated, cold water applied to the surface of the body arouses and stimulates the circulation all over the system. Blood counts before and after a cold-water application show a very marked increase in the number of red and white blood corpuscles.

Dry with a coarse towel, then rub and pat the skin with the hands for a few minutes. The duration of the hip bath and the temperature of the water must be adapted to individual conditions. Until you are accustomed to cold water, use water as cool as can be borne without discomfort. The Morning Cold Rub No cold-water treatment should be taken when the body is in a chilled condition.

He stood in the kitchen of the cold-water apartment, still naked, with bits of chalky dust between his toes. He had no time for reason. His brain seemed to have jumped over a hurdle and come down in a puddle beyond, foul with the stuff it had found there. He heard Ellen shriek, and then cry out again.

Before even ordering dinner, he made a last desperate attempt to save his morning. 'Me join a Jewish Self-Defence! The burly Jew laughed loud and heartily. 'Why, I'm a True Believer! 'A Meshummad! David gasped. Modern as he was, the hereditary horror at the baptized apostate overcame him. 'Yes I'm safe enough, the Convert laughed. 'I've taken the cold-water cure.

A simple shock a shower-bath nothing more! You are right. For the first half-minute or so it is but a shock, a shower-bath, but then Believe me when I declare to you that a stream of molten lead an axe continually crashing through the skull would not be more painful than the falling of this cold-water jet! It is torture beyond endurance agony indescribable.

Persons who are very weak and unable to be on their feet for any length of time need not, for this reason, forego the benefits to be derived from systematic physical exercise. Manipulative Treatment Massage Massage has very much the same effects upon the system as the cold-water treatment.

Prepared a package with the fish, etc., to be left for Mr. Barker when he comes here, to be sent to town. There are fish in this spring about three inches long. We have also found a cold-water spring among the warm ones. Tuesday, 8th November, Emerald Springs.