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You know, one o' them big cakes from the ice fact'ry fell on him. . . . I tell Barzillai the city folks are a godsend to us Cape Codders in summer time, now that sea-goin' don't seem so pop'lar with the men as it useter be." "I dunno. Some of these city folks don't seem to be sent by the Lord, but by the other feller!" was the grim rejoinder.

"Well, what did you think of him?" asked Captain Perez, when the recital was finished. "Seemed to me like a pretty good feller," answered Captain Eri deliberately. "He didn't git mad at the joke the gang played on him, for one thing. He ain't so smooth-tongued as Parker used to be and he didn't treat Baxter and me as if Cape Codders was a kind of animals, the way some of the summer folks do.

"Goodness! Why not?" "'Cause he ain't a sea-goin' man. There's a few o' such amongst Cape Codders. Us'ally they go away from the sea before they git found out, though." "'Found out?" the girl repeated with exasperation. "Found out in what?" "That they're scare't o' blue water," Washy said decidedly. "Nobody 'round here ever seen Cap'n Abe outside the Haven.

Helen, a trifle embarrassed but laughing, emerged a moment later, and when she had put on her hat she and Albert left the Howes cottage and began their walk home. It was one of those nights such as Cape Codders, year-rounders or visitors, experience three or four times during a summer and boast of the remainder of the year. A sky clear, deep, stretched cloudless from horizon to horizon.

"I want to know everything. Begin at the beginning and tell me who Mr. Farmer was." Mr. Chase marked a pattern on the floor with his slippered foot. Then he began: "He come from up Cape Ann way in the beginnin'," he said. "The rest of the firm was Cape Codders, but he wan't.

"There's the codders and the herring-busses. We're over far south for them, I reckon. But we can't be more'n two hundred mile from Port Royal in Arcadia, and we're in the line of the St. Lawrence trade. If I had three white mountain pines, Amos, and a hundred yards of stout canvas I'd get up on the top of this thing, d'ye see, and I'd rig such a jury-mast as would send her humming into Boston Bay.

And you have been seen with him frequently. It is being remarked by the whole colony. Of course, you can mean nothing by this intimacy. It arises from your thoughtlessness, I presume. You must understand that he is not er Well, the Tapps are not of our set, Louise." "My goodness, no!" laughed the girl cheerfully. "The Tapps are real Cape Codders, I believe."

Her husband looked a trifle dubious. "Be careful, Gertrude," he cautioned. "Look out you don't offend. These Cape Codders are self-respecting and touchy, you know. Anyone interfering with their private affairs is likely to get into trouble." His wife resented the warning. "Don't throw cold water on everything, John," she said. "I know more about Cape Codders than you do.

Besides, from your own name, you should be a descendant of Miles Standish, and blood relation to these Cape Codders yourself. And Uncle Amazon and Uncle Abram are fine old gentlemen." She said it boldly, whether she could believe it about Cap'n Amazon or not. "I will not play showman." "Oh, say! Ford Tapp comes here. I saw his car standing outside the other evening." "Mr.

Wonder she'll condescend to come and talk plain United States to us Cape Codders, ain't it, John." John Doane admitted that it was a wonder. He seemed to regard Miss Dott as a very wonderful young person altogether. Gertrude glanced up at him, then at her father, and then at the blotter on the desk. She absently played with the pages of the ledger.