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Dear is that hour, for day then sleeps Upon the gray cloud's breast; And not a voice or sound e'er keeps His wearied eyes from rest." The surface of the lake was unruffled. The air was still. An occasional burst from the band in the garden of Rousseau came softened in the distance. Enveloped in her thick shawl H. reclined in the stern, and gave herself to the influences of the hour.

It filled Julia Cloud's eyes with tears of wonder and gratitude to think that such a princess's abode should have come to be her abiding-place after her long years of barren living in dreary surroundings.

"They wanted to disclose their identity to you then and there and exhort you to return with them to your people, but I persuaded them to wait, reminding them that the White Cloud's prophecy was not yet entirely fulfilled.

But as it is, there's a sort of hope of a sort of happiness, isn't there?" "Gertrude!" It was Sir Cloud's voice, gentle and tender, outside the door. "Mercy on us!" exclaimed Lady Bargrave. "It's half-past one. Bargrave will have been asleep long since." Gertrude kissed her in silence, opened the door, and left her. When I was dying I had no fear.

As she spoke, her eyes fell upon the turkey hanging from Cloud's saddle-bow. "Young man," she said to Verty, "what's the price of that turkey?" Verty was looking at Redbud, and only knew that the awful Mrs. Scowley had addressed him, from Redbud's whispering to him. "Anan?" he said. "I say, what's the price of that turkey?" continued the old lady; "if you are moderate, I'll buy it.

Julia Cloud's cheeks grew red with a flash of distress as if he had said something against some one she loved very much. "Oh, no!" she said earnestly. "God isn't like that. Why, He loves us! He wouldn't have given a Sabbath at all if it hadn't been quite necessary for our good.

"Tell it straight!" ordered Leslie. "Why, of course I didn't tell Leslie I expected to meet them him. I wasn't just sure he could make the arrangements. I meant to tell her when we got out. And when we met him and my cousin it was my cousin I was to meet you see I'm we he " Myrtle was getting all tangled up with her glib tongue under the clear gaze of Julia Cloud's truth-compelling eyes.

Red Cloud's people had scattered far and wide, said he. "God grant they may not turn back to the south." He was coming home. He would soon be there. The papers had told their readers this very morning that the General had plainly said his force was too small to risk further assault upon the Sioux.

It was the fingers of Sylvia grasping him, but unconscious of the act. He looked up and saw her face as white as death, and a yard away the eyes of "King" Plummer were burning like two coals. Flying Cloud's figure swayed, and his voice trembled with a curious joy at the old memories. He was approaching the great moment of triumph.

"We'll make you a member of the gang and take you everywhere. See! You're being initiated now, and you're making good right along. I knew we did a good thing when we came after you. Didn't we, Les?" And Leslie turned and flung herself into Julia Cloud's arms with one of her enthusiastic hugs.