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Early morning prayer in the "iglesia" is a fashionable custom among the senoras of Mexico particularly among those who dwell in cities and towns. Close upon the heels of daybreak you may see them issuing from the great doors of their houses, and hurrying through the streets towards the chapel, where the bell has already begun its deafening "ding-dong."

All the rest of the day Donald's presence had been strangely close to her, and she found herself wondering what it portended; but not until the pleasant family meal was over, and he was taking her home, did she learn.

One afternoon when field-gun manoeuvres were at a close, Kincaid spoke from the saddle.

What if there happened to him what had happened to another junior officer who was close to him at the moment, when a fragment of shell turned him from a big gay boy into a writhing bundle at the bottom of the trench! He had lived for a couple of hours like that, moaning and crying out, "For God's sake kill me!"

Can't have you missing your beauty sleep so close to your marriage, or I'll have Baxter down on me like a ton of bricks." Vane turned abruptly to the fire, and it is to be feared that his thoughts were not all they might have been. In fact, he registered a mental vow that if ever he was privileged to meet a murderer, he would shake him warmly by the hand. "Good night, Captain Vane."

He is the one who is adjusting the new world-powers and the new world-relations, over-seeing the development of our country, and planning for its laws and commerce. Close to him comes the physician, who is laying his hand on world-plagues, and is studying the conditions and the forms of disease, with a view to striking disease at its root.

Notwithstanding the wishes of some of his officers, Captain Cook declined to put in there, as he was anxious to reach Batavia without delay. Between that island and Java, however, he fell in with a small island, which at first he thought was a new discovery; but on steering for it, and getting close in with the north side, houses, plantations, and numerous flocks of sheep were seen.

During such a pleasant time it forgot the twenty years up in the loft, and it is good to be able to forget. Close by it passed a couple arm-in-arm, like the happy pair in the wood, the mate and the furrier's daughter. It seemed to the bottle as if it were living that time over again.

The gate-keeper and his wife, obedient to the prefect's warning, had remained up, and as soon as the singer heard the chariot approaching which bore the Emperor, he hastened to open the palace-gates. The broken-up pavement and the swarms of men engaged in repairing it, obliged Titianus and his companions to quit the chariot here and to pass close to the little gate-house.

"I shall recognise this son of a dog," rejoined Pepe, "and if I do not repay him for the anxiety he has caused me, it is because the bullet he is about to send will prevent me." "It is the Blackbird," said Bois-Rose, "he is both brave and dexterous lie close!" The Indian once more took aim, and then fired; a branch knocked from a tree just above Pepe, fell upon him and hurt his forehead.