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There it is! You have need to be cautious of Mrs. Beauly you have no need to be jealous of her. Take the safe course. Arrange with the Major, when you meet Lady Clarinda at his dinner, that you meet her under an assumed name." "I can go to the dinner," I said, "under the name in which Eustace married me. I can go as 'Mrs. Woodville." "The very thing!" he exclaimed.

Her letters were so infrequent that they were a rare pleasure. He put aside the thick package written in his clerk’s hand. It was doubtless some business papers and could wait. Aunt Clarinda wrote in a fine old script that in spite of her eighty years was clear and legible.

Evening, 9 o'clock. I am here, absolutely unfit to finish my letter pretty hearty after a bowl, which has been constantly plied since dinner till this moment. I have been with Mr. I have no distinct ideas of anything, but that I have drunk your health twice to-night, and that you are all my soul holds dear in this world. Clarinda, my life, you have wounded my soul.

Aunt Clarinda claimed her after dinner and carried her off to her room to talk about David, so that Marcia had no chance to think even then. Miss Clarinda looked into the sweet shadowed eyes and wondered why the girl looked so sad. She thought it was because David stayed away so long, and so she kept her with her all the rest of the day.

Love, there, is not a crime. I charge you to meet me there, O God! I must lay down my pen. Poor Clarinda! Well for her peace of mind that the poet was leaving her; well for Burns, also, that he was leaving Clarinda and Edinburgh. Only one thing remained for both to do, and it had been wise, to burn their letters.

This is the great test; the consequences: let us see them. Mr. Thurs., 14 Feb. "I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan!" I have suffered, Clarinda, from your letter. My soul was in arms at the sad perusal; I dreaded that I had acted wrong. If I have robbed you of a friend, God forgive me! But, Clarinda, be comforted: let me raise the tone of our feelings a little higher and bolder.

On the 17th, he wrote to Clarinda: "Your hopes, your fears, your cares, my love, are mine; so don't mind them. I will take you in my hand through the dreary wilds of this world, and scare away the ravening bird or beast that would annoy you."

O Love and Sensibility, ye have conspired against my peace! I love to madness and I feel to torture! Clarinda, how can I forgive myself that I have ever touched a single chord in your bosom with pain! Would I do it willingly? Would any consideration, any gratification make me do so?

Clarinda, matters are grown very serious with us; then seriously hear me, and hear me, Heaven I met you, my dear Nancy, by far the first of womankind, at least to me; I esteemed, I loved you at first sight; the longer I am acquainted with you the more innate amiableness and worth I discover in you.

Saturday night half after Ten. What luxury of bliss I was enjoying this time yesternight! My ever dearest Clarinda, you have stolen away my soul; but you have refined, you have exalted it; you have given it a stronger sense for virtue, and a stronger relish for piety.