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Only the old woman's eyes moved as the girl entered, fell down by the bier, and buried her face in the pillow that supported her lover's head. Thus, in profound silence, both remained awhile, until Chris lifted herself and looked in the dead face and almost started to see the strange content stamped on it. Then Mrs.

On it stood a splendid building of marble, having over the door in raised letters: CHRIS HOLTZMANN'S PALACE OF PLEASURE. Open all the Time. Admission Free! For a moment I hesitated. Should I enter such a hole of iniquity? Then came the thought of my mission; how I wished to clear the family name from the stain that rested upon it and free my father from imprisonment, and I went in.

Chris, ma cherie, don't you remember when we used to meet, and was fond of each other? Let's make it up and leave here now to-night-eh? "I'm not so poor, after all. I'll be paid by Papineau, the leader of the Rebellion " He made a couple of unsteady steps towards her, for he was weak yet. "What's the good you're bound to come to me in the end! You've got the same kind of feelings in you; you've "

Chris and Sankey excited the admiration of the wounded soldiers by conversing with the Boers and the natives in their own languages. Most of the Boers, indeed, could speak English perfectly, but did not now condescend to use it.

He was more often out of England than in it, and there were even some who suspected him of being an empire-builder, though their grounds for doing so were but slight. It was, however, characteristic of Chris that she never forgot her friends, a characteristic which Trevor Mordaunt also possessed to a marked degree.

She protested when Bertrand took off his coat and wrapped it round her, but he would take no refusal. There was a penetrating dampness about the place that he feared for her. "If you sleep, you will feel it," he said. "But I'm not going to sleep," declared Chris. "I never felt more wide-awake in my life. I often do at bedtime.

Uncle Chris had observed this for himself, and it had not helped him to face his task. Lovely woman loses something of her queenly dignity when she puffs. Inwardly, he was thinking how exactly his hostess resembled the third from the left of a troupe of performing sea-lions which he had seen some years ago on one of his rare visits to a vaudeville house.

The horses, startled by the report, were plunging and kicking, and the lads at once ran to their heads and patted and soothed them. Not until they were quiet did they gather again. "What time is it?" Chris asked. "The clock on the church struck two a few minutes ago," Brown, who was on sentry, said.

That the son of the house was up and away at dawn told his family nothing, for his movements were at all times erratic, and part of his duty consisted in appearing on the river at uncertain times and in unexpected localities. Clement Hicks often called for a moment upon his way to market, and Chris, who now greeted her lover, felt puzzled at the unusual gravity of his face.

The moon was high and clear by now, and Chris often leaned his cheek on the sash as the priest talked, and watched that steady shining shield go up the sky, and the familiar view of lawns and water and trees, ghostly and mystical now in the pale light.