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Without stretching the point, every war chemical employed came easily under one of these two categories. In order to assist the less technical reader, we will consider the production of the chief war chemicals in the order in which they appeared against us on the front. Chlorine.

Chemically it is converted by nitric acid and chlorine into an insoluble substance plumbic acid or the cyanide of lead. An experience of more than three years, with almost unlimited means at our command for experiment, demonstrates to us that we have indicated the means of filling the other requisites asked for. It may be that something new will be discovered, but we doubt it.

This is the sulphate of iron that unites with the chlorine gas of the chloride that the water washes from the tank that is formed when the chlorine gas unites with the gold and leaves the gold free. Another method is by the use of cyanide.

Commercially this discovery of chlorine was of enormous importance and the practical application of this new chemical in bleaching cloth soon supplanted the old process of crofting that is, bleaching by spreading the cloth upon the grass.

This came about through the investigations of Dumas, who proved that in a certain organic substance an atom of hydrogen may be removed and an atom of chlorine substituted in its place without destroying the integrity of the original compound much as a child might substitute one block for another in its play-house.

After standing twenty-four hours at the ordinary temperature, the contents of none of the beakers gave any iodine reaction. The same experiment was now repeated, with the precaution that the bladder was previously washed completely free from chlorine. Each vial was suspended, at a temperature of 25-27° C., in 50 grammes of distilled water. After eight hours no further change had taken place.

Thus muriatic acid is added for its chlorine, which can generally be detected by the impression produced, being of a light, soft, mellow tone, and in most cases presenting a brilliant black to that colored drapery.

The circumstance that more can be taken internally is explained by the rapid decomposition to which this silver salt is liable in the body by the proteine substance and chlorine combinations in the stomach, the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, and salt from food.

Building Materials for Cells and Tissues CEREALS: The outer, dark parts of wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, and rice. DAIRY PRODUCTS: Milk, cheese. MEATS: Muscular parts of animals, fish, and fowls. Organic Minerals Organic Mineral Elements Sodium Na Fe Ca Potassium Magnesium Mg Manganese Mn Silicon Si Chlorine Cl Flourine Fl Eliminators: Bone, Blood, and Nerve Builders;

It is one of the most poisonous and suffocating of all gases. That is the real danger in submarine boats suffocation from chlorine. It will remain so until we get a better form of motive power, liquid or compressed air, perhaps. And here" Ross led them to a valve wheel amidships "as though to invite such disaster, they've given us a sea cock." "What's it for?" asked Foster.