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Five or six years ago I noticed the peculiar state of insensibility into which the nervous system is thrown by the inhalation of the vapor of pure sulphuric ether, which I respired abundantly, first by way of experiments, and afterwards when I had a severe catarrh, caused by the inhalation of chlorine gas.

The precipitate formed is transferred to the filter and well washed with water containing NH Cl and NH O, then dissolved in hydrochloric acid and reprecipitated with ammonia, filtering and washing as before. It is again dissolved in HCl and titrated with uranium solution, or decomposed by tin, as noted below, and the manganese precipitated as binoxide with chlorine, and determined.

They joked about these free ions in solution, and they asked to see this chlorine and this sodium which swam about the water in a state of liberty.

And after the ex-king had given directions in what manner the bombs were to be taken to the new special laboratories above Zurich, where they could be unpacked in an atmosphere of chlorine, he turned to these five still shapes. Their five pairs of feet stuck out with a curious stiff unanimity.... 'What else was there to do? he said in answer to some internal protest.

Deduct the weight of the dry crucible from the final weight, and from the weight of silver chloride thus obtained calculate the percentage of chlorine in the sample of sodium chloride. After digestion, the asbestos is filtered off on a filter plate and washed with hot, distilled water until free from chlorides.

Bromine and its Compounds Iodine and its Compounds Chlorine and its compounds Cyanide of Potassium Hyposulphite of Soda Hyposulphite of Gold Nitric Acid Nitro-Muriatic Acid Hydrochloric Acid Hydrofluoric Acid Sulphuric Acid Accelerating Substances Liquid Sensitives Dry Sensitives, etc., etc.

We can't use it submerged, however, on account of the exhaust; so, for under-water work, we use a strong storage battery to work a motor. You see the motor back there, and under this deck is the storage battery large jars of sulphuric acid and lead. It is a bad combination if salt water floods it." "How? What happens?" asked Foster. "Battery gas, or, in chemical terms, chlorine gas is formed.

On bees, too, the effect was similar; the deadly nature of the gas on their delicate organisation being invariably destructive. Like results were obtained with chlorine. In the class of vapours, ammonia proved fatal in one case, and harmless in another; muriatic acid stupified in two, and killed in twenty-four hours.

Such facts as that sensations of numbness and tingling commonly precede paralysis, that the resistance of water to a body moving through it varies as the square of the velocity, that chlorine is a disinfectant, these, and the truths of Science in general, are of intrinsic value: they will bear on human conduct ten thousand years hence as they do now.

Thus, for example, manganese is slowly deposited from an ammoniacal solution, when it is permitted to take up oxygen from the air, as hydrated sesquioxide, and from neutral or alkaline solutions, as hydrated peroxide on the addition of chlorine, bromine, or chameleon solution.