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As Chilvers said yesterday, I was born on the farm which now constitutes the Woodvale golf links. When my father died he willed this land and other property to me. I take it that a man has a right to do as he pleases with his own.

Straightway disregarding Marcella, Peak gave attention to the men's dialogue, and his forehead wrinkled into scornful amusement. 'It's very interesting, he exclaimed, at a moment when there was silence throughout the company, 'to hear that Chilvers is really coming to the front. At Whitelaw it used to be prophesied that he would be a bishop, and now I suppose he's fairly on the way to that.

"Well, let's see how far you 'can knock that ball out of that bed of Trifoliums." We left them soon after and returned to the club house. The ladies did not care to play before luncheon, preferring to take a rest after the exciting experiences of the trip from Woodvale. I ran across an old friend of mine, Sam Robinson, and he and I played against Carter and Chilvers.

He enclosed postal orders for two pounds, the fee for one week's performance. John put the letter into his pocket and, nodding to Chilvers, now busily writing up the King and Lord Kitchener, he left the room and went to Hinde's office. "I'm. sorry, Mac," Hinde said to him, "I'm sorry I let out at you just now, but you gave me a fright. I'd have been fired if I'd let your thing go to press!"

Harding panted, and between gasps bowed and made pantomimic signs to indicate that Chilvers had correctly diagnosed his ailment. His wife has too much sense to give way to her emotions at such a time. She brushed his clothes and wiped the perspiration from his face. Miss Harding and the others were on the scene before his voice came back to him.

Run, boys!" he yelled as he plowed down that slope. "Run like hell; he's after us!" Carter and Chilvers took one glance and the three of them came tearing down that hill. There came into view the lowered head and humped shoulders of a Holstein bull close on the trail of the lumbering millionaire. The women screamed. "He will be killed; he will be killed!" moaned Mrs. Harding.

"Hallelulia; watch that shoulder Hallelulia, my men; Hallelulia; get your wrists in! Must I tell you again?" "Everybody come in strong on the second verse," ordered Chilvers, and we obeyed as best we could, also on the third. They run like this: "I can't understand; understand it at all, Why I can't keep my eye on that little white ball."

I don't believe any other clergyman would have done so. Martin smiled as he had been accustomed to do all through his married life and let the discussion rest there. On the next occasion of Mr. Chilvers being at the house, he observed the reverend man's behaviour with Sidwell, and was not at all pleased.

'Has it come to your knowledge, Earwaker asked of him, 'that Bruno Chilvers is exciting the orthodox world by his defence of Christianity against neo-heathenism? 'Chilvers? No. 'Mrs. Morton tells us that all the Church newspapers ring with his name. 'Please don't think, cried Mrs. Morton, with the same anxious look as before, 'that I read such papers.

"Let me soak a few balls out there, and I won't say another word until we get to Oak Cliff. Be good, Grace, we've got lots of time." "Very well," she consented, looking at her watch. "We'll wait ten minutes for you." "Here's where I get some real practice," he said, arming himself with a driver and a box of balls. "Come on, Chilvers, you and Carter help me chase 'em."