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The old, easily-approached philosopher, who was read by very few, cherished an unrequited affection for the general public, and listened eagerly to what a working-man might be able to make out of his ideas.

Silently, till this day, he had gnawed his heart, and found for its despair no confidant and no comfort. The only wish that he cherished was a feverish and gloomy desire to leave the scene which witnessed the triumph of his rival. Every thing around had become hateful to his eyes, and a curse had lighted upon the face of Home.

At night when she returned, the washing would be hung in her room to dry, or the twins would be playing circus in the middle of her cherished bed. "It's lots harder when you know how things ought to be, than when you just go on living in the mess, and don't know the difference," she complained bitterly to Birdie.

The State Chronicle during his editorship is one of the most cherished recollections of older North Carolinians to-day. These have always been known as the "Mummy letters." They furnished a vivid but rather aggravating explanation for the existing backwardness and chauvinism of the commonwealth. All the trouble, it seems, was caused by the "mummies."

"MY OWN CHERISHED FRIEND: To-night from my casement I looked out upon the cold, bright world, wrapped in moonlight, and as I gazed at the far-off misty horizon, the distance called to mind my far-off friend at Melrose recalled to mind, too, the fact that your last welcome letter has for an unwonted length of time remained unanswered.

From this total wreck of her cherished ambitions, of her hopes, of her fortune, of her happiness, and of her future, she had not even saved her honor. But was she alone responsible? Who had imposed upon her the odious role which she had played with Maurice, Martial, and Chanlouineau? As this last name darted through her mind, the scene in the prison-cell rose suddenly and vividly before her.

Old King Edward, embittered because his cherished schemes regarding Scotland had failed, died, and with his last breath he asked his son, the Prince of Wales, to see his bones were carried in their coffin at the head of the English army invading Scotland. The Prince of Wales who succeeded him was called Edward the Second and was a hollow echo of his father's greatness.

It was difficult to urge him to anything that did not suit his fancy, and more difficult to restrain him from what he wished to follow. In short, he was self-willed, from a spirit of independence, which had been inculcated by his early education, and which he cherished the more from the inexperience of his own powers.

During my whole life your name has been cherished by my family. We believed you would sometime come to your own. Believe in yourself!" I seemed almost to remember and perceive what I was as you see in mirage one inverted boat poised on another, and are not quite sure, and the strange thing is gone. Perhaps I was less sure of the past because I was so sure of the present.

The description of the first approach to Venice before the days of railways will always be cherished by those who admire Ruskin's work as one of his most characteristic and memorable utterances: