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"Well, go on, perform your duty," cried Mary Stuart, vehemently, to Ambroise. "I and you, duchess," she said to Madame de Guise, "will protect you." "Madame," said Ambroise; "my zeal was carrying me away. The doctors, with the exception of my friend Chapelain, prefer an injection, and it is my duty to submit to their wishes.

"Doubtless it is a very beautiful poem, but also very tiresome," said Mme. de Longueville, after Chapelain had finished reading his "Pucelle" a work which aimed to be the Iliad of France, but succeeded only in being very long and rather heavy.

"Are you going to wait to be arrested, thrown into prison, dragged into a criminal court?" He shook his head, and in a tone of idiotic obstinacy, "Have I not told you," he repeated, "that every thing is against me? Let them come; let them do what they please with me." "And your wife," insisted M. Chapelain, the old lawyer, "and your children!"

"Dear me!" she exclaimed, "mother will be home directly." M. de Tregars might as well have waited for her. Henceforth he had nothing to conceal. Yet, after duly deliberating with the young girl, they decided that he should withdraw, and that he would send M. de Villegre to declare his intentions. He then left, and, five minutes later, Mme. Favoral and M. Chapelain appeared.

M. Dupotet says that very few answered this amicable appeal, because they were afraid of being ridiculed when the report should be published. Four magnetisers, however, answered their appeal readily, and for five years were busily engaged in bringing proofs of the new science before the commission. These were M. de Foissac, M. Dupotet, M. Chapelain, and M. de Geslin.

I see pass before me the fair and elegant dames of that galaxy of wit and beauty, Mesdames de Longueville, Lafayette, and de Sévigné, fluttering their fans as they listened and replied to the gallant compliments of Voiture, Ménage, Chapelain, Desmarets, or De Réaux, or to the spirituelle causerie of Chamfort.

Only, as it cannot suit me that you should waste your days lounging in the billiard-rooms of the left bank, you shall at the same time work in an attorney's office. Next Saturday I shall arrange with my friend Chapelain." Maxence had not bargained for such an arrangement; and he came near backing out at the prospect of a discipline which he foresaw must be as exacting as that of the college.

Annoyed at the sardonic tone of the commissary: "The fact is," resumed M. Chapelain, "Favoral was our friend; and, if we could get him out of the scrape, we would all willingly contribute." "It's a matter of ten or twelve millions, gentlemen." Was it possible? Was it even likely? Could any one imagine so many millions slipping through the fingers of M. de Thaller's methodic cashier?

Stronger than fear, curiosity had drawn all the guests of the cashier of the Mutual Credit Society, M. Desormeaux, M. Chapelain, M. Desclavettes himself; and, standing within the door-frame, they followed eagerly every motion of the commissary, who, pending the arrival of the locksmith, was making a flying examination of the bundles of papers left exposed upon the desk.

"M. Chapelain, whom a loss of a hundred and sixty thousand francs has not made particularly indulgent, is of that opinion." "And so am I," exclaimed Marius. "You see, then " But without allowing her to proceed and taking gently her hand, "Let me tell you all," he interrupted, "and try with you to find an issue to this horrible situation. Strange rumors are afloat about M. Favoral.