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Updated: August 12, 2024
I suppose I should have liked and loved you wherever I had met you, but you come in for a share of my love and liking of Cassiobury, and the spring, the beautiful season in which we met first. I send you the long-promised lock of my hair; you will be surprised at the lightness of the shade at least, I was. It was cut from my forehead, and I think it is a nice bit; tell me that you get it safe.
In 1825, after a visit to Lord Essex at Cassiobury, he noted with disapproval "No hot luncheons." This is interesting as being, so far as I know, Sydney Smith's only reference to Lord Beaconsfield. Gladstone's Gleanings, vol. vii. p. 220. It is sometimes forgotten that a Prebend is a thing; a Prebendary a person.
I cannot help wishing, for both their sakes, that the period of her mother's infirmity and physical decay may be shortened. I received a charming letter from Theodosia yesterday, accompanying a still more charming basketful of delicious flowers from dear Cassiobury how much nicer they are than human beings! The news contrasted sadly with the sweet, fresh, living blossoms that it came with.
Also in Hertfordshire are Cassiobury, the seat of the Earls of Essex, whose ancestor, Lord Capel, who was beheaded in 1648 for his loyalty to King Charles I., brought the estate into the family by his marriage with Elizabeth Morison; and Knebworth, the home of Lord Lytton the novelist, which has been the home of his ancestors since the time of Henry VII., when it was bought by Sir Robert Lytton.
Siddons is much better. She is staying at Leamington at present. Dearest H , returning from Buckinghamshire the other day, I passed Cassiobury, the grove, the little lane leading down to Heath Farm, and Miss M 's cottage, and the first days of our acquaintance came back to my memory.
But Pamela, leaving school at the end of July for the last time, after a surfeit of examinations, had been pronounced 'tired out' by an old aunt, a certain Lady Cassiobury, who came for long periodical visits to Mannering, and made a show of looking after her motherless niece.
Albans Verulam Hatfield House Lord Burleigh Cassiobury Knebworth Great Bed of Ware The river Cam Audley End Saffron Walden Newport Nell Gwynn Littlebury Winstanley Harwich Cambridge Trinity and St. John's Colleges Caius College Trinity Hall The Senate House University Library Clare College Great St. Mary's Church King's College Corpus Christi College St.
Urgent appeals from all quarters were made to him to remain at his post, and, though his own health was precarious, cheered by the sympathy of his colleagues and of the country, he resumed his work after a few weeks of quiet at Cassiobury. Lord John's position in the Cabinet and in the Commons His services to Education Joseph Lancaster Lord John's Colonial Policy Mr.
Henry, too, returned yesterday to Paris, so that the house is in mourning for its liveliest inmates. I continue quite well, and indeed I think my work agrees with me; or if I am a little tired with acting, why, a night's dancing soon sets me right again. T B is in town, and came to see me the other day. I like her; she is a gentle, nice person; she is going back in a week to Cassiobury.
But he had never cared for any of them, except to a mild degree for his sister, Lady Cassiobury, who was ten years older than himself, and still paid long visits to Mannering, which bored him hugely. On the last occasion, he was quite aware that he had behaved badly, and was now in her black-books. No there was nothing to be done, except to let this wonderful woman have her own way!
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