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"It might be more humane, mademoiselle, but unfortunately it is against the military code. Did I understand that your captain will guarantee the German's safety?" "Of course," said Carg. "If he escapes, I will surrender myself in his place." "Ah; but we moderns cannot accept Pythias if Damon runs away," laughed the general.

Even Carg was evidently uneasy. "Do not mind," said the young lieutenant consolingly. "It is merely a temporary inconvenience, you know, for your release will come very soon. And since you are placed in my care I beg you to accept this delay with good grace and be happy as possible. Ostend is full of life and I am conducting you to an excellent hotel."

He can never rejoin the army, that's certain," replied Carg. "True," said the general, when this was conveyed to him by Beth. "Nevertheless, he is a prisoner of war, and must not be allowed to escape to his own people." Beth answered the Frenchman herself, looking him straight in the face. "That strikes me as unfair, sir," said she. "The German must henceforth be a noncombatant.

Finally he asked: "Which is Mr. Merrick?" Hearing his name, Uncle John bowed. "Huh! But the description does not fit you." Captain Carg translated this. "Why not?" demanded Uncle John. "It says you are short, stout, blue-eyed, bald, forty-five years of age." "Of course." "You are not short; I think you are as tall as I am. Your eyes are not blue; they are olive green.

So, addressing Captain Carg, he said in a positive tone: "We quite understand, sir, that it has been the policy of the owners of Sangoa to guard all knowledge of the island's whereabouts from the outside world, as well as the fact that its pearl fisheries are very rich. We understand that an influx of treasure-seekers would embarrass the Sangoans. But we are close friends of young Mr.

The Americans were all sitting together in the cabin that evening after dinner, when to their astonishment little Maurie came aboard in a skiff, bearing an order from the French commandant to Captain Carg, requesting him to appear at once at military headquarters. Not only was Carg puzzled by this strange summons but none of the others could understand it.

The commander of the Arabella bowed with much dignity as his guests entered and with a sweep of his long arm he muttered in distant tones: "Pray be seated." They obeyed. The cabin was luxuriously furnished and there was no lack of comfortable chairs. Somehow, despite the courteous words and attitude of Captain Carg, there was something about him that repelled confidence.

Patsy wiped away the tears that began to well into her eyes. She had so fondly set her heart on reuniting the Dentons that her disappointment was very great. Von Holtz noticed the girl's mood and became thoughtful. Captain Carg had remained glum and solemn ever since they had left the colonel's office.