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He, too, out of the corner of his eye watched the advancing figure. Suddenly he noted the limp, and gave a little involuntary gasp. He looked at the Princess Emma, and saw her eyes suddenly widen with consternation. Slowly at first, and then in a sudden tidal wave of memory, Butzow's story of the fight in the courtyard at Blentz came back to her. "I saw but little of Mr. Custer," he had said.

Butzow stepped close to his side, and it was noticeable that the troopers, and even the officers, of the Royal Horse which Barney had led in the charge upon the two batteries in the wood, pressed a little closer to the American. This fact did not escape Butzow's notice. "If you are content to take the word of the servants of a traitor and a would-be regicide," he cried, "I am not.

The fellow was bearded, and in his right hand he carried a package. Instantly Barney recalled Butzow's comment upon the destruction of the mill "if it WAS lightning!" Cold sweat broke from every pore of his body. His mother and father were there in the house, and Vic all sleeping peacefully.

At their head rode Lieutenant Butzow and a tall young man in soiled and tattered khaki, whose gray eyes and full reddish-brown beard brought an exclamation from Captain Maenck who commanded the guard about Peter of Blentz. "Mein Gott the king!" cried Maenck, and at the words Peter went white. In open-mouthed astonishment the spectators saw the hurrying troopers and heard Butzow's "The king!

Prince Ludwig stood looking at the carpet after the king had spoken. His judgment told him that the king's suggestion was a wise one; but he was sorry and ashamed that it had come from Leopold. Butzow's lips almost showed the contempt that he felt for the ingratitude of his king. Barney Custer was the first to speak.

There was something in Butzow's voice that warned Maenck that his subordinate would like nothing better than the king's command to run him through. He well knew the fame of Butzow's sword arm, and having no stomach for an encounter with it he grumbled an apology. "And don't let it occur again," warned Barney. "Come," said Dr.

The American saw that the two were pressing Butzow much too closely for safety and that Coblich had now recovered from the effects of the blow and was in pursuit, drawing his saber as he ran. Barney thrust the king behind him and turned to face the enemy, at Butzow's side. The three men rushed upon the two who stood between them and their prey.

In an instant the fellow had whipped out a revolver, and raising it fired point-blank at Butzow's chest; but in the same instant a figure shot out of the shadows beside him, and with the report of the revolver a heavy fist caught the trooper on the side of the chin, crumpling him to the ground as if he were dead.

A shout of applause rose from the Royal Horse, and from the foot-soldiers who had seen the king charge across the plain, scattering the enemy before him. Barney, appreciating the advantage in the sudden turn affairs had taken following Butzow's words, swung to his saddle.