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I'm going to be busy as a pup in a fireplug factory with this Rivers thing, and I'll need some checking-upping done inside the Fleming household." He went on, in meticulous detail, to explain about the Rivers murder. "I'll have some work for you, before you're ready to start buttling, too." Disencumbering himself of the two percussion revolvers, he laid them on the table.

But it kind o' soaked in, too. She and the perfessor must of talked it over. Fur the next day I seen her spreading a oilcloth on the hall floor. And then James comes a buttling in with a lot of sand what the perfessor has baked and made all scientific down in his labertory. James, he pours all that nice, clean dirt onto the oilcloth and then Miss Estelle sends fur William Dear.

So this man was a butler, he had been born and bred a butler, he lived by buttling, a butler he would die; not a pompous, turkeycock butler, such as the American stage will offer you when it takes up English fashionable life in a serious way, but a mild-mannered, decent body, with plain side-whiskers, chopped short on a line with the lobes of his ears, otherwise clean-shaven, his hair pathetically dyed, a colourless cast of countenance, eyes meek and mild.

I understand that the situation here had deteriorated rather abruptly after Mr. Fleming's death. Walters was about fed up on the way things were here, and he was going to hand in his notice. Then he decided that he ought to have a stake to tide him over till he could get another buttling job, so he started higrading the collection." Gladys nodded.

A maid was unpacking trunks under his sister's supervision. Mrs. Bines was in converse with a person of authoritative manner regarding the service to be supplied them. Two maids would be required, and madame would of course wish a butler Mrs. Bines looked helplessly at her son who had just entered. "I think we've we've always did our own buttling," she faltered.

Why the buttling? When did you come over? Tell me all!" Mr. Crocker hoisted himself nimbly onto the writing-desk, and sat there, beaming, with dangling legs. "It was your letter that did it, Jimmy. Say, Jim, there wasn't any need for you to do a thing like that just for me." "Well, I thought you would have a better chance of being a peer without me around.

"I believe you," says I. "So you took up buttling, eh? Wa'n't that some nervy jump?" "I considered it a helpful step in my career," says he. "Your which?" says I. "Perhaps I should put it," says he, "that the work seemed to offer the discipline which would make me most useful to our noble order."

"Ah, tell him to turn over: he's on his back!" says I. "Not twenty thousand cash?" "That's what he says," insists Whitey, "all in hundreds. Lifted out of a secret wall safe." "Ask him where this guy was buttling, in a bank," says I, "or at the Subtreasury?" And Whitey reports that Allston was workin' for a Mrs. Murtha, West 76th Street; "Mrs.

You can't monkey about with the employer's library like that." Jimmy restored the books to their places. "Simmer down and tell me more. Postpone the gossip from the diamond. What plans have you made? Have you considered the future at all? You aren't going to hold down this buttling job forever, are you? When do you go back to London?" The light died out of Mr. Crocker's face.

The billiard invitation was refused, and with a hidden smile Cicely followed him to the bicycle house. Expert knowledge was James Bisset's foible. Of some subjects, such as buttling, carpentry, and mending bicycles, it was practical; of others, such as shooting, gardening, and motoring, it was more theoretical.