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He helped in the drowning, really. He was talking to himself when he came back a soft light in his eyes, a smile lingering around the corners of his up-turned, grizzled mustache. "It is good to be young, Signore, is it not?" was all he said, and at once began bundling up my traps.

The lawyers on both sides had concluded their arguments, and the judge was bundling together the papers in the case and trying to encircle the bulky package with a heavy rubber band. Then the court-room door was opened, and the sheriff came down the aisle, accompanied by Ralph and Bachelor Billy. A moment later, Simon Craft followed them to the bar.

I had therefore to wait and watch Tom Jerrold swinging away up there and bundling the sail together, the gaskets being presently passed round it and the mizzen-topgallant made snug. When Tom and the others came down, he grinned at me so cordially that I made friends with him again; but I was longing all the time for the blissful moment when I too could go aloft like him.

Among the plane-trees they separated, bundling into carriages and driving off, without saying good-night, or saying it only in a half-muffled way. It was so late that there was no time for normal conversation between their arrival at the hotel and their retirement to bed. But Hirst wandered into Hewet's room with a collar in his hand.

That I was pursuing them, while in the mercantile establishment to which I had gone, he did not believe; and very frequently when I was at his house for I visited the family, and sometimes, though unfrequently, dined with them on a sabbath he jeered me on my progress the "wonderful progress," as he was pleased to term it which he felt sure I was making with my Coke and Blackstone, while baling blankets, or bundling up plains and kerseys.

The mode of courting, known as "bundling" or "tarrying" was too prevalent in colonial times to be ignored. A full description of its extent, and an attempt to trace its origin, have been given in a book on the subject prepared by Dr. H. R. Stiles, and with much fairness in a pamphlet by Charles Francis Adams on "Some Phases of Sexual Morality and Church Discipline in Colonial New England."

"What! you naughty girl," I cried, "is that the way you treat your master, bundling him out of his room in that manner; here, give me the rod, I must make your bottom pay for your ill conduct here, kneel on this footstool, and lay your body over my thighs, no resistance, or it will be the worse for you." "Oh! pray, sir, do forgive me this time," and she knelt at my side, and pretended to cry.

Were the present chief of the commission a man of originality and talent, he might even now save the national reputation by bundling all the pumps, churns, patent clothes-washers, wheel-barrows and pick-handles out of doors, and converting one of the United States rooms into a reservation for the Modocs, and the other into a corral for buffaloes and grizzly bears.

Fedot, don't let out the gelding, but take it to the trough, and we'll put the other in harness." "Oh, father, the ploughshares I ordered, has he brought them along?" asked the big, healthy-looking fellow, obviously the old man's son. "There...in the outer room," answered the old man, bundling together the harness he had taken off, and flinging it on the ground.

As the bus swung along, a number of things kept jumbling through my mind: Benda's effusive glee at seeing me, and his sudden turning and bundling me off in a nervous hurry without a word of explanation; his lined and worried face and yet his insistence on the joys of his work in The Science Community; his obvious desire to be hospitable and play the good host, and yet his evasiveness and unwillingness to chat intimately and discuss important thing as he used to.