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"I've decided to call my place 'Bolton House' for several reasons," she went on rapidly: "for one thing, everybody has always called it the Bolton place, so it will be easier for the workmen and everybody to know what place is meant. Besides, I " "Yes; but the name of Bolton has an ill-omened sound in Brookville ears," he objected. "You've no idea how people here hate that man."

It's a pity you bought this house, Miss Orr: I heard Mr. Elliot say it was like stirring up a horrid, muddy pool. Not very complimentary to Brookville; but then " "Don't you think people will forget after a while?" asked Lydia, her blue eyes fixed appealingly on the two young faces. "I don't see why everybody should " "Well, if you'd fixed the house entirely different," said Mrs. Dix.

"You mustn't!" He saw with terrible clearness what it would be like: the home-coming of the half-imbecile criminal, and the staring eyes, the pointing fingers of all Brookville leveled at him. She would be overborne by the shame of it all trampled like a flower in the mire. She seemed faintly disappointed. "But I would far rather tell," she persisted. "I have had so much to conceal all my life!"

"I should think you'd be almost afraid to keep so much ready money by you, with all those men workin' outside," she commented. "They're all Brookville men," said Lydia. "I have to have money to pay them with. Besides, I have Martha." "You mean your hired girl, I suppose," inferred Miss Daggett, rubbing her nose thoughtfully. "She isn't exactly a servant," hesitated Lydia.

First Brookville was bust, now it's busted." Wesley stared at her. "Fact," said Fanny, calmly, starting a rose on the linen in a career of bloom. "First, years ago, when I was nothing but a kid, Andrew Bolton you have heard of Andrew Bolton?" "I have heard him mentioned. I have never understood why everybody was so down on him, though he is serving a term in prison, I believe.

"Not a blessed thing to burgle. Never has been for years." There was a silence. The girl spoke in a hushed voice. "I understand," said she, "that the people here hold the man who used to live in this house responsible for that." "Why, yes, I suppose he was. Brookville never would have been a Tuxedo under any circumstances, but I reckon it would have fared a little better if Mr.

"Because," she said, "you have been trying to guess my secret for a long time and you have succeeded; haven't you?" He was speechless. "You have been wondering about me, all along. I could see that, of course. I suppose everybody in Brookville has been wondering and and talking. I meant to be frank and open about it to tell right out who I was and what I came to do.

"Are you ?" he began; but could not speak the words. "My name," said the stranger, with astonishing composure, in view of his late fury, "is Andrew Bolton; and the girl you have been praising and courting is my daughter. Now you see what a sentimental fool a woman can be. Well; I'll have it out with her. I'll live here in Brookville on equal terms with my neighbors.

But he could not hear the words which passed between them. "You pretend to love me," Bolton was saying. "Why don't you do what I want you to?" "If you'd like to go away from Brookville, father, I will go with you. You need me!" "That's where you're dead wrong, my girl: I don't need you. What I do need is freedom! You stifle me with your fussy attentions.

In Brookville a great many houses were submerged, but no lives were lost. While the people were driven from their homes, they were more fortunate than the people of Bryants, because they could at once find shelter under the roofs of the neighbors' houses. All of the saw mills, the chief industry of the town, were closed down.