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One of the powders to be put dry on the tongue every four hours. The best local remedy is Honey of Borax, which ought to be smeared frequently, by means of the finger, on the parts affected. Thorough ventilation of the apartment must be observed; and great cleanliness of the vessels containing the milk should be insisted upon.

Borax is also manufactured from boronitrocalcite, a calcium salt of boric acid, which is found in Chili and other parts of South America. The crude boronitrocalcite or "tiza" is boiled with sodium carbonate solution, and, after settling, the borax is obtained by crystallisation. Borax itself is found in California and Nevada, U.S.A., and also in Peru, Ceylon, China, Persia, and Thibet.

She thought he began to look thinner and discouraged. Her heart ached to add something good to eat to his meagre purchase, but her courage failed at the act. She did not dare affront him. She knew the pride of artists. Miss Martha took to wearing her blue-dotted silk waist behind the counter. In the back room she cooked a mysterious compound of quince seeds and borax.

In Mono Lake, soda and salt are equally important constituents, while Owens Lake contains an excess of soda. In other basins borax was present in such quantities that when the waters dried up it formed important deposits. The value of these deposits is now fully understood, and many enterprising companies are at work separating and purifying the borax.

"I see that you want to go to bed," she declared. The torrent of Gwendolyn's anger and resentment surged and broke bounds. She pivoted, arms tossing, face aflame. There were those wicked words across the river that each night burned themselves upon the dark. She had never pronounced them aloud before; but "Starch!" she shrilled, stamping a foot, "Villa sites! Borax! Shirts!"

Yonder was the prime minister: his lordship had just told him to back Borax for the race; but Archer thought Muffineer the better horse. He pointed out countless dukes and grandees to the delighted Mrs. Bungay. "Look yonder in the Grand Stand," he said. "There sits the Chinese embassador with the mandarins of his suite.

Heavy carpets do not require taking up every year; once in two, or even three, being sufficient unless they are in constant use. Take out the tacks, however, each year; fold back the carpet half a yard or so; have the floor washed with a strong suds in which borax has been dissolved, a tablespoonful to a pail of water; then dust black pepper along the edges, and retack the carpet.

Sheep are also used at times to carry bags of borax to market near the plains, where they are shorn of their fleece, and return to the mountains laden with salt. The culminating point of the range, and the highest peak in the world, is Mount Everest, a little more than twenty-nine thousand feet above the level of the sea; but it is rarely visible from Darjeeling.

Borax O'Rourke picked the coin off the floor and shuffled out of the Silver Dollar saloon. Until one minute past four o'clock, then, the incident was closed, and Mr. Hennage returned to his interrupted game of solitaire.

"I should think you would drive all the customers away from the store," said the grocery man, as he opened the door to let the fresh air in. "I don't know but I will, but I am hired for a month on trial, and I shall stay. You see, I shan't practice on anybody but Pa for a spell. I made up my mind to that when I gave a woman some salts instead of powdered borax, and she came back mad.