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They were both small and easily knocked over, and in an instant they were sprawling on the road, and cuffing, and pulling, and kicking, and punching with about equal success, except that the bigger boy prudently roared and howled all the time, in the hope of securing some assistance in his favor. "Dame Datchett! Missus! Murder! Yah! Boohoo! The little varment be a throttling I." But Mrs.

This was provoked by Frycollin, who, finding himself above the boundless sea, was seized with another fit of terror. Like a child, like the Negro he was, he gave himself over to groaning and protesting and crying, and writhing in a thousand contortions and grimaces. "I want to get out! I want to get out! I am not a bird! Boohoo! I don't want to fly, I want to get out!"

Then, just as I was about to start running down the track, away from nowhere and to nowhere, I was brought to my senses by a loud boohoo, and then a snubby choke, which seemed to come out of my bag and steamer-blanket that stood in a pile before me. "Train's gone, train's gone and left us! I knew it would, when Sallie stopped to put the starch on her face all over again.

The girl, musingly retracing her calculated steps to where the kneeler seemed to clinch himself to his posture, halted, stroked with her slippered toe a sole of his rude shoes and spoke once more: "Do they oft-ten boohoo like that, grandma, those artillerie?" The boy whirled up with the old woman clinging.

The name given to the Brazilian sailfish by Marcgrave, the talented young German who described the fish in the book referred to, and who afterward sacrificed his life in exploring the unknown fields of American zoology, is interesting, since it gives a clue to the derivation of the name "boohoo," by which this fish, and probably spear-fish, are known to English-speaking sailors in the tropical Atlantic.

Ye promised me you'd never call me that again. I am Hawkeye. I kin see farder'n n " and he began to weep. "Well, will you obey the Council?" "Yes; but I won't wear no white feather I'm brave, boohoo!" "All right. We'll leave that off; but you must do the other punishments. "Will I still be Hawkeye?" "Yes." "All right. I'll do it." The Three-Fingered Tramp.

"There! What did I tell you!" shrieked Betty gaily, her curls bobbing, her sash ends flying. "I protest," called Katherine Kittredge. "Betty doesn't look over twelve any of the time, and the rest of us look twenty. We've taken off eight years and she's only dropped five. 'Tain't fair!" and Katherine burst into a beautiful "little girl" boohoo.

If you start going back we shall find ourselves in each other's arms with awfully red eyes first thing you know. I still think the miracle will save you, but poor me!" and she affected a most juvenile boohoo. "I am surely doomed." "Why don't you try it, Bobbie? You might get through " "Not in a thousand years. And suppose I did, where would it land me?"

The various species of Tetrapturus have sometimes shared its title, and this is not to be wondered at, since they closely resemble Xiphias gladius, and the appellative has frequently been applied to the family Xiphiidæ the swordfish which includes them all. Spear-fish is a much better name. The "sailfish," Histiophorus americanus, is called by sailors in the South the "boohoo" or "woohoo."

Pyrrhus, misled by an oracle, made a last attempt to retrieve the fortunes of Greece. Loyal to a lost cause. He strode away from them towards the window. They went forth to battle, Mr O'Madden Burke said greyly, but they always fell. Boohoo! Lenehan wept with a little noise. Owing to a brick received in the latter half of the matinée. Poor, poor, poor Pyrrhus!