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"Playmate well now, I'd like to hear Madam Farnham hear you call her that; she'd just tear your eyes out. But Lord-a-mercy, she hain't got animation enough for anything of the sort; if she had, a rattlesnake wouldn't be more cantankerous to my thinking. She's got all the pison in her, but only hisses it out like a cat; in my hull life I never did see such a cruel, mean varment." "Then Mrs.

We sat down at the only spare table in the place, and looked round at the smug and varment citizens with whom the room was filled. "Hollo, waiter!" cried Tringle, "some red wine negus I know not why it is, but the devil himself could never cure me of thirst. Wine and I have a most chemical attraction for each other.

"The varment!" she cried vehemently; "the good-for-nothing varment! If it had been a jay, or a nasty raven, well and good; but a poor little canary!" "Hoity-toity! what are you about, nephew? What's the matter?" said Tom Varney, coming up to the strife.

In a very short time, by his blows-out and his bachelorship, for single men always arrive at the apex of haut ton more easily than married, he became the very glass of fashion; and many were the tight apprentices, even at the west end of the town, who used to turn back in admiration of Bachelor Bill, when of a Sunday afternoon he drove down his varment gig to his snug little box on the borders of Turnham Green.

Abel would have been happy for hours together watching the great stones grind, or the corn poured by golden showers into the hopper on its way to the stones below. Many a time had he crept up and hidden himself behind a sack; but George seemed to have an impish ingenuity in discovering his hiding-places, and would drive him out as a dog worries a cat, crying, "Come out, thee little varment!

"The varment!" she cried vehemently; "the good-for-nothing varment! If it had been a jay, or a nasty raven, well and good; but a poor little canary!" "Hoity-toity! what are you about, nephew? What's the matter?" said Tom Varney, coming up to the strife.

We sat down at the only spare table in the place, and looked round at the smug and varment citizens with whom the room was filled. "Hollo, waiter!" cried Tringle, "some red wine negus I know not why it is, but the devil himself could never cure me of thirst. Wine and I have a most chemical attraction for each other.

The sympathy of the ladies was now greater than ever; they even made some attempts to mollify the ire of Ready-Money Jack; but that sturdy potentate had been too much incensed by the repeated incursions that had been made into his territories by the predatory band of Starlight Tom, and he was resolved, he said, to drive the "varment reptiles" out of the neighbourhood.

Master Chuter met them at the door. "There be a letter for you, Jan," said he. "'Twas brought by a young varment I knows well. He belongs to them that keeps a low public at the foot of the hill, and he do be for all the world like a hudmedud, without the usefulness of un." The letter was dirty and ill-written enough to correspond to the innkeeper's account of its origin.

"Which be the young varment as said a F was a Q?" she rather unfairly inquired. "A didn't say a F was a Q" began Jan; but a chorus of cowardly little voices drowned him, and curried favor with the Dame by crying, "Tis Jan Lake, the miller's son, missus." And the big boy, conscious of his own breach of good manners, atoned for it by officiously dragging Jan to Dame Datchett's elbow.