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Fanny gave a dinner soon after that to celebrate Ethel's recovery. It was in a hotel grill room, and it was large and noisy and noisier and noisier till even above the boisterous hubbub at the tables all about, the noise of their party could be heard. At least so it seemed to Ethel's ears. And what were they saying? Anything really witty, sparkling? No just chatter, peals of laughter!

The brawl, meanwhile, had commenced, and the dancers were whirling round giddily in every direction, somewhat like the couples in a grand polka, danced after a very boisterous, romping, and extravagant fashion. "Who is Nicholas dancing with?" asked Mistress Nutter suddenly. "Is he dancing with any one?" rejoined Richard, looking amidst the crowd.

Night had now closed in a keen, boisterous, wintry night, making the pocketful of coals that ornamented the grate peculiarly acceptable. 'B-o-y Jove, what a night! exclaimed Facey, as a blash of sleet dashed across the window as if some one had thrown a handful of pebbles against it.

Loitering on his way to school, occasionally stopping to inspect the footprints of probable bears, or indulging in cheerful badinage with the tunnel men, to whom the apparition of a short-legged boy weighed down by a preternaturally large satchel was an object of boisterous solicitude, Aristides suddenly found that he was an hour and a half too late for school.

Old L'Amour grew cross when we went into them, although we could see nothing; and Milly was afraid to open the windows not that any Bluebeard revelations were apprehended, but simply because she knew that Uncle Silas's order was that things should be left undisturbed; and this boisterous spirit stood in awe of him to a degree which his gentle manners and apparent quietude rendered quite surprising.

Blushing, smiling, and embarrassed, Adine took her bow and resumed her seat. "And the next principal in the transaction the man who discovered the hoss and led me to it my friend, mentor, guide, and boon companion, Mister Landy Spencer." The applause was generous but more boisterous. It was evident that Mister Spencer had many boon companions in the audience.

Lexman had been spending some time in the country, having deferred his trip to the United States. "This case puzzles me more and more, John," said T. X., troubled out of his usual boisterous self, "and thank heaven it worries other people besides me.

He was no longer the same wild, boisterous youth, ever on the look-out for some change, some new diversion or practical joke, which had been his characteristics while Herbert lived. A species of quiet dignity was now his own, combined with a devotedness to his parents, which before had never been so distinctly visible.

Gentlemen, has the sense of shame departed with your sense of right, that you permit a creature, an interloper, in no wise connected with you, to stand at that desk and interrupt your order?" Mr. Toombs continued, amid these boisterous scenes, his alternate rôle of argument, of appeal, of denunciation. He contended that a power delegated to the House must be used by a majority of the House.

What a month of March it was! And after an unusually mild season, too. Old Winter seemed to have hoarded up all his stock of snow and cold weather, and left it as an inheritance to his wild and rollicking heir, that was expending it with lavish extravagance. March was a jolly good fellow though, in spite of his bluster and boisterous ways.