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Canby," said the star, rising impressively, "if we played that act the way you wrote it, we'd last just about four minutes of the opening night. You gave me absolutely nothing to do! Other people talked at me and I had to stand there and be talked at for twenty minutes straight, like a blithering ninny!"

"Is that blithering engineer asleep?" continued Captain Wyatt, ignoring the whole system of yacht etiquette. "She's getting harder on every second!" "Ay, ay, skipper!" came a muffled voice from the engine-room. "And not too soon either!" snapped the captain. The yacht throbbed more violently; the swirling increased furiously. The captain stared over the rail.

I don't know anything about the rights and wrongs of your labour question, but I confess that, speaking broadly, my sympathies are usually rather with Labour than with Capital. 'Capital! echoed McKeith derisively. 'It's blithering irony to talk of us Leura squatters as representing capital.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand, so far as I'm allowed to inquire just now," corrected Bobby; "and I'm ordered to go into business with that and prove that I'm not such a blithering idiot that I can't be trusted with the rest of it, whatever there is." "But I thought you'd had your trial by fire and pulled out of it," interposed Nick.

Did yourself out of a share in a reward of two hundred quid when you'd only to shut your hands and hold on to it!" "Two hundred quid? Two hun W-what are you talking about? Wasn't it true? Wasn't it a kinematograph picture, after all?" "No, you fool, no!" howled Smathers, fairly dancing with despair. "Oh, you blithering idiot! You ninety-seven varieties of a fool!

"What kind of blithering fools have they got over—" "They are not blithering fools," said Thorpe soberly. "The staff would not have turned me out, I'm sure of that. I was doing good work, Simmy," he went on rapidly, eagerly, "even though I do say it myself. Everybody was satisfied, I'm sure. Night and day,—all the time,—mind you, and I was standing up under it better than any of them.

And what a blithering idiot they have in me to deal with. Oh, how easy!" Whereupon he proceeded to kick the unoffending breakfast, cigarettes and all, out of the car door. To their dying day they were to believe that the food had been put there by agents of the great conspirator. It readily may be surmised that neither of them was given to sensible deductions during their astounding flight.

But the day the Siege Gazette came out, with a blithering paragraph in it that never ought to have appeared, announcin'" he coughed and crimsoned "Lord Beauvayse's formal engagement to Miss Mildare; my wife was rung up at the Convalescent Hospital by a caller who wouldn't say where he telephoned from.

A blithering, water-eyed optimist to the end, he'd die with a prayer of thankfulness and gratitude. Thus innocuously abstract, moving in the doldrum which sometimes surrounded him after his day's work, he turned into the boulevard along the lake. The day grew abruptly fresher here. An arc of blue sky rising from the east flung a great curve over the building tops.

His "English accent" was a combination of the East Bayport twang and an Irish brogue and he was a blithering idiot in appearance and behavior. No one in his senses could have accepted him as anything human and the eyeglass had been but a part of his unreal absurdity.