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The duke, on the contrary, being incessantly in the hurry of new fancies, exhausted himself by his inconstancy, and was gradually wasting away; whilst the poor princess, gratifying her good appetite, grew so fat and plump that it was a blessing to see her.

To these must be added Christ's attitude in 'blessing' the bread and cup, and His distribution of them among the disciples. The Passover was to Israel the commemoration of their redemption from captivity and their birth as a nation. Jesus puts aside this divinely appointed and venerable festival to set in its stead the remembrance of Himself.

Therefore, when we wish to estimate the desirability of extending the influence of the United States, we have to take account of this almost certain future loss of idealism. Nor is idealism in itself always an unmixed blessing to its victims.

Part of its blessing is that it delivers us from the tyranny of sense, sets us free from the crowding oppression of 'things seen and temporal'; draws back the veil and lets us behold 'the things that are unseen and eternal. Faith is sight, the sight of the inward eye. It is the direct perception of the unseen. It sees Him who is invisible.

What a blessing that little unconscious one was to all beneath that lowly roof! Annie and Susie would sit beside its little cradle and watch it for hours; and if permitted to hold the tiny creature for a few moments they were never weary of caressing her.

"So the squirrels' birthright is to want for naught, Have no grief or thought, know not 'must' or 'ought. Yet upon their gold there lingers Shades of care, that Great Râm's fingers For their blessing wrought." "Wah! Wah!" cried the Queen, delighted. "He can stop if he likes."

Theologians teach us that immortality is not necessarily a blessing. A vast deal of ingenuity is wasted every year in evoking the undesirable, in the careful construction of objects which burden life. Frankenstein was a large rather than an isolated example.

When the ceremony and the wedding festivities were over, and her palfrey was standing ready at the door, Philippa timidly entered the banqueting-hall, to ask for the first and last time her father's blessing.

"Adieu, then! we shall meet soon." "Ay, at Philippi, my Lord. Reverend Father, your blessing!" It was some time subsequent to this conference that Rienzi quitted the sacred edifice. As he stood on the steps of the church now silent and deserted the hour that precedes the brief twilight of the South lent its magic to the view.

Austin carried this word back to the old brother who had promised to read the Word that evening, but he fainted in spirit at sight of two preachers and would do nothing. There was no way but that the young class-leader take the meeting, which he did with fair success and a rich blessing to his own soul.