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"Your going off from Blanquais so suddenly, without leaving me any explanation, any clue, any message of any sort made me feel at first as if you did n't wish that I should look you up. It reminded me of the way you left Baden do you remember? three years ago." "Baden was so charming but one could n't stay forever," said Mrs. Vivian. "I had a sort of theory one could.

The theory that Angela hated him had evaporated in her presence, and another of a very different sort had sprung into being. It fitted a great many of the facts, it explained a great many contradictions, anomalies, mysteries, and it accounted for Miss Vivian's insisting upon her mother's leaving Blanquais at a few hours' notice, even better than the theory of her resentment could have done.

The little world of Blanquais appeared to form a large family party, of highly developed amphibious habits, which sat gossiping all day upon the warm pebbles, occasionally dipping into the sea and drying itself in the sun, without any relaxation of personal intimacy. All this was very amusing to Bernard, who in the course of the day took a bath with the rest.

I travelled over the world, I tried to interest, to divert myself; but at bottom it was a perfect failure. To see you again that was what I wanted. When I saw you last month at Blanquais I knew it; then everything became clear. It was the answer to the riddle. I wished to read it very clearly I wished to be sure; therefore I did n't follow you immediately.

His hostess came rustling in at last; she seemed agitated; she knocked over with the skirt of her dress a little gilded chair which was reflected in the polished parquet as in a sheet of looking-glass. Mrs. Vivian had a fixed smile she hardly knew what to say. "I found your address at the banker's," said Bernard. "Your maid, at Blanquais, refused to give it to me." Mrs.

She looked about her, without answering, up and down the little terrace. The Casino at Blanquais was a much more modest place of reunion than the Conversation-house at Baden-Baden.

He went in the unshaken faith that he should leave Blanquais early on the morrow. But early on the morrow it occurred to him that it would be simply grotesque to go off without taking leave of Mrs. Vivian and her daughter, and offering them some explanation of his intention.

He had given them to understand that, so delighted was he to find them there, he would remain at Blanquais at least as long as they.

"What a singular expression!" She was blushing as she had blushed when she first saw him at Blanquais. She seemed to Bernard now to have a great and peculiar brightness something she had never had before. "I certainly have been looking for you," he said. "I was greatly disappointed when I found you had taken flight from Blanquais." "Taken flight?"

It is all the more singular, therefore, that one evening, after he had been at Blanquais a fortnight, a train of thought should suddenly have been set in motion in his mind. It was kindled by no outward occurrence, but by some wandering spark of fancy or of memory, and the immediate effect of it was to startle our hero very much as he had been startled on the evening I have described.