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"Then, Messer Segretario," said the young sculptor, "it seems to me Fra Francesco is the greater hero, for he offers to enter the fire for the truth, though he is sure the fire will burn him." "I do not deny it," said Tito, blandly. "But if it turns out that Fra Francesco is mistaken, he will have been burned for the wrong side, and the Church has never reckoned such victims to be martyrs.

But if the Ku-Klux Klan had started suddenly shooting everybody they didn't like in broad daylight, and had blandly explained that they were only using up the stocks of their ammunition, left over from the Civil War, it seems probable that there would at least have been a little curiosity about how much they had left.

Dunborough struck me, because I would not let him fire on the crowd, Sir George explained, blandly raising his quizzing glass, but not using it. 'That was why I fought him. And that is my excuse. You see, my dear, he continued familiarly, 'we have each an excuse. But I am not a hypocrite.

He leaned back in his chair, inclining his ear like that of a confessor to the face of the medical student who was reading to him a problem from the chess page of a journal. Cranly gazed after him blandly and vaguely. The medical student went on in a softer voice: Pawn to king's fourth. We had better go, Dixon, said Stephen in warning. He has gone to complain.

She felt as if, with all her striving, she could not move just as one does in a nightmare but she was past the place even as this terror came to its acme; and when she came to herself, Mr. Osbaldistone was still blandly talking, and saying

You'll make the aristo think that we are afraid." "Well?" queried Rateau blandly. "Aren't you?" "No!" replied Merri fiercely. "I'll go now because ... because ... well! because I have had enough to-day. And the wench sickens me. I wish to serve the Republic by marrying her, but just now I feel as if I should never really want her. So I'll go!

At this moment they reach the balcony, and Dulce says, blandly,

God, Tessibel, ye don't know what it means to allers be in the shadow of the prison, you don't." "Oh, yep I do," interposed Tess, blandly, "'course I do. Weren't Daddy Skinner there? An' Daddy never'd got out in this world if it hadn't been for a helpin' hand; the same'll help you, Andy." "She's talkin' of Professor Young," grunted Orn, glancing at the dwarf.

"Aw, belay! I was only only just lookin' out to see what time it was." "But you must have done it in your sleep, because " "I never. I was wide awake as you be." "But why did you snore? You couldn't have fallen asleep between the door and the bed. And you hadn't quite reached the bed when I got here." "I I I Aw, shut up!" Brown smiled blandly.

Tuttle blandly. This lady in blue was not nearly so interested in Emma as in keeping a circle of admirers hanging around her cerulean presence, but even slightly encouraged, Mrs. Mealer warmed to her topic. "Style?" she repeated impressively, "style? Seems like Emma couldn't never have enough of it. Where she got it I don't know.