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The Indian women plunged into the Mississippi, with their babes on their backs some of them caught hold of horses' tails, to be towed faster; but the steamboat Warrior was waiting, sharp-shooters on shore espied them, and only a few escaped, into the hands of the Sioux. In two hours Black-hawk lost two hundred people, men and women both; the white army lost twenty-seven in killed and wounded.

"Who is this Black-hawk?" retorted General Edmund P. Gaines, the commander of the troops. "Is he a chief? By what right does he appear in council?" Black-hawk wrapped his blanket around him and strode angrily out of the council room. But the next morning he made answer. "My father, you asked yesterday, who is Black-hawk? Why does he sit among the chiefs? I will tell you who I am.

On their return to plant their crops, they learned that their village and grave-yard had been sold to the whites the most of whom were already there. So the white people had won out. They in turn asked protection, of the Government, from "General Black-hawk" and his band.

But they were sent on to Washington, to see the President. President Andrew Jackson understood Indians, and Black-hawk was pleased with him. "I am a man; you are another," he greeted, as he grasped President Jackson's hand. "We did not expect to conquer the whites," he explained. "They had too many houses, too many men. I took up the hatchet to avenge the injuries to my people.

After the Black-Hawk War, the Indian title being extinguished, and the country open to settlers, Northern Illinois attracted great attention, and increased wonderfully in wealth and population. In 1830, the population of the State amounted to 157,445; in 1840, to 476,183; in 1850, to 851,470; in 1860, to 1,719,496.

He is now a prisoner to the white men; they will do with him as they wish. But he can stand torture and is not afraid of death. He is no coward. Black-hawk is an Indian. He has done nothing for which an Indian ought to be ashamed. He has fought for his people, against the white men, who have come year after year to cheat him and take away his lands. You know the cause of our making war.

Referring to the country west of the Mississippi river he says: "The District under review has been often called 'Scott's Purchase, and it is sometimes called the 'Black-Hawk Purchase'; but from the extent and beauty of the Iowa river which runs centrally through the District, and gives character to most of it, the name of that stream, being both euphonous and appropriate, has been given to the District itself."

The Indians met by the Pilgrim Fathers were Algonquians; King Philip was an Algonquian; the Shawnees of Tecumseh were Algonquians; the Sacs and Foxes of Chief Black-hawk were Algonquians; the Chippewas of Canada and the Winnebagos from Wisconsin are Algonquians; so are the Arapahos and Cheyennes of the plains and the Blackfeet of Montana.

He fell into a trance, and cut several capers, and spoke a message from the Great Spirit. Let Black-hawk go to war. The Great Spirit would arouse the Winnebagos and the Potawatomis and the British, and the Americans would be driven away! White Cloud said this out of his own heart, which was black toward the Americans.

There were Black-hawk, his two sons Nah-se-us-kuk or Whirling Thunder, and Wa-saw-me-saw or Roaring Thunder; White Cloud, the false prophet; Nahpope, the head brave; Ioway, Pam-a-ho or Swimmer, No-kuk-qua or Bear's-fat, Pa-she-pa-ho or Little Stabber; and others. They were forced to wear ball and chain. Keokuk, the successful, was kind and tried to get the prisoners freed.