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Yes, though Miss Daisy Nelson looked even prettier than I thought her last night, I could quite believe the bilious maid's statement that she was une petite chatte.

"I really cannot waive my right on account of your bilious attack," said the Major haughtily. "Your right?" said Halibut, with spirit. "My right!" repeated the other. "I should have been there before you if you had not stopped me in the first place." "But I started first," said Halibut. "Prove it," exclaimed the Major, warmly. The other shrugged his shoulders.

In the first place, the physical condition of William Adolphus was deplorable; he leered rueful roguishness out of bilious eyes, and Victoria could not endure the sight of him; secondly, she was sure that I had said something what she did not know, but something to Elsa; for Elsa had been found crying over her coffee in bed in the morning.

And he would turn to Miss Moorsom for approval, lowering protectingly his spatulous nose and looking up with feeling from under his absurd eyebrows, which grew thin, in the manner of canebrakes, out of his spongy skin. For this large, bilious creature was an economist and a sentimentalist, facile to tears, and a member of the Cobden Club.

Wash the stomach, take two or three hot injections daily, and a hot sheet pack. This treatment, with baths and rubbing, will cure an ordinary case of bilious fever in about three days. Avoid all drugs. Nature will call for food when it needs it. This is the modern name for influenza. It resembles an ordinary cold in its symptoms, but is far more violent in its effects.

To live here, to pass up these stairs, between these dingy, bilious walls, on this dirty carpet, with this ugh! every day; twice, four times, six times, who knew how many times a day!

"Yes, I have; but what concern is a cook's moral character to her employer any more than an engineer's to the railroad " "Well, it mightn't hurt the railroad any if it took more cognizance of its engineers' morals " began the doctor dryly. The Judge cut him short with a great laugh. "Oh, Melton! Melton! You bilious sophomore! Take a vacation from finding everything so damn tragic.

Handsomebody was moved to remark jocularly that somebody not a thousand miles away was shaping for a bilious bout. At four o'clock Captain Pegg appeared at his window looking the picture of cheerful confidence. He said it warmed his heart to be at his old profession again, and indeed I never saw a merrier twinkle in any one's eyes.

It was not alone that the scales descending on the counter made a merry sound, or that the twine and roller parted company so briskly, or that the canisters were rattled up and down like juggling tricks, or even that the blended scents of tea and coffee were so grateful to the nose, or even that the raisins were so plentiful and rare, the almonds so extremely white, the sticks of cinnamon so long and straight, the other spices so delicious, the candied fruits so caked and spotted with molten sugar as to make the coldest lookers-on feel faint, and subsequently bilious.

After a while he sniffed the fine sharp air of mingled earth and sea delightedly, and he strode back to the town late in the afternoon, laughing at himself in scorn of his wretched susceptibility to bilious impressions, and really all but hating Tinman as the cause of his weakness in the manner of the criminal hating the detective, perhaps.