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Contrariwise, were the faces of the receptacle reversed, a piece of iron placed within it would be made red-hot and melted though the receptacle were kept packed in salt and ice and no heat applied except such as came from this freezing mixture. One could cook a beefsteak with a cake of ice had he but such a material as this with which to make his stove.

"How lovely this would be," exclaimed the Professor, if it had a background of beefsteak and coffee! We had heard a great deal about Elk Cross Roads; it was on the map, it was down in the itinerary furnished by a member of the Coast Survey. We looked forward to it as a sweet place of repose from the noontide heat. Alas!

The last, but by no means the meanest, of the tribe of pensioners whom I shall mention, is my old friend, "Beefsteak," now, alas! gone to the shades of his fathers. He was a good dog, a mongrel, a Pole by birth, who accompanied his master on a visit to Rome, where he became so enamored of the place that he could not be persuaded to return to his native home.

The doctor said back to her, as he put on his hat, all the things doctors always say under such conditions: "More beefsteak ... plenty of fresh air ... more sleep ... SHE'll be all right ..." but his voice did not sound as though he thought what he was saying amounted to much. Nor did Elizabeth Ann.

I was, however, supplied with something that resembled beefsteak of a very fine quality. I afterward learned that it was chemically prepared meat. At the close of the meal, a cup was handed me that looked like the half of a soap bubble with all its iridescent beauty sparkling and glancing in the light.

I came near ordering you a beefsteak, but I'll reserve that for lunch." He sipped the chocolate. "Yes; it needs more sugar," he said quietly. "Will you please butter my toast? It seems to me such a breakfast is worth months of suffering. How delicious this egg is! It was the fragrance of the egg and toast that conquered me. That, and " "And one sensible, determined girl.

Other impressions, less ultimate, proved puzzling, disconcerting, and paradoxically reassuring. Lanyard commanded a fair view of Roddy across the waist of the room. The detective had ordered a meal that matched his aspect well both of true British simplicity. He was a square-set man with a square jaw, cold blue eyes, a fat nose, a thin-lipped trap of a mouth, a face as red as rare beefsteak.

I did not like to leave him, under such circumstances, and we all three dined together off a beefsteak pie which was one of the many good things for which Peggotty was famous and which was curiously flavoured on this occasion, I recollect well, by a miscellaneous taste of tea, coffee, butter, bacon, cheese, new loaves, firewood, candles, and walnut ketchup, continually ascending from the shop.

Harlowe, giving due accent to her new name, "is, as everyone must perceive, one of those ethereal beings who care for nothing more substantial than beefsteak, plum-pudding, and mince-pie. Perhaps an airy slice of roast turkey might also tempt her abstemiousness!" "Take care, Doctor, I have some one to protect me now against your lawless tongue," cried Madge, with inimitable good-humor.

Turkeys are very fond of wandering over a wide range; but I think we can keep them in bounds." That night, they had a good supper of broiled beefsteak, good hoe-cake, milk and butter, and coffee in abundance. The two boys praised Jack highly for his skill in managing things, and, of course, he felt very proud.