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It seemed to the careworn girl that a lifetime followed before the door opened noiselessly, and there entered a slender little old Indian woman, in beaded leggings, moccasins, "short skirt," and a blue "broadcloth" folded about her shoulders.

He saluted amiably; presently they started across the yard for their quarters, distributing morsels of wisdom and advice among the militiamen, who stared at them with awe and pointed at their beaded shot pouches, which were, alas! adorned with fringes of coarse hair, dyed scarlet. But Morgan must worry over that.

"Side by side were their cradles, one beyond another in beautiful straight rows; and as the pollen-grains grew daily larger, the cradles also grew for their accommodation, until at last they felt themselves really full of sweet, delicious life; and those who lived at the tops of the rows peeped out from the opening of the dry leaves which wrapped them all together, and saw a little boy with his father coming through the cornfield, while yet every thing was beaded with dew, and the sun was scarcely an hour high.

The beaded wine danced on many a beard; the cataract lifted higher its voice; the grotto sent back a shout; the ghosts of the Coral Monarchs seemed starting from their insulted bones. But ha, ha, ha, roared forth the five-and-twenty kings alive, not dead holding both hands to their girdles, and baying out their laughter from abysses; like Nimrod's hounds over some fallen elk.

Soon satiated with its woody flavor, we tossed away our gum, to return again to the sweet roots. I remember well how we used to exchange our necklaces, beaded belts, and sometimes even our moccasins. We pretended to offer them as gifts to one another. We delighted in impersonating our own mothers. We talked of things we had heard them say in their conversations.

It was a case of ferns, which seemed to be formed of an aquarium turned upside down, and supported by a plain wooden table. Westray took a dislike to the dank-looking plants, and to the moisture beaded on the glass inside, and made up his mind that the ferns must be banished.

With the utmost skill and patience, he coaxed the loop up again and again into the air overhead, but the brush of the short branches against the rock defeated every attempt to get a hold. He rested, passed the rope into his other hand, and with the same collected persistence endeavored to throw it over from the left. Sweat beaded Bucks' forehead as he looked.

The handkerchief that the Terror lent her might have easily been of a less pronounced gray; but Erebus mopped her beaded brow with it in a perfect content. She had ridden home as fast as she could ride with her interesting news. "I wish I'd seen him too," said the Terror thoughtfully. "It's quite enough for me to have seen him!" said Erebus with some heat.

That's a brig from the Indies down there, and the captain's our cousin ain't he, Vinie? I know who you are, sir. You're Adam Gaudylock, the great hunter!" "So I am, so I am!" quoth Adam. "Look here, little partridge, at what I've got in my pouch!" The partridge busied herself with the beaded thing, and the two boys talked aside. "I've till dinner time to do what I like in," said Lewis Rand.

The monastery there but here Perpetua again was the speaker, for the hapless stammerer's brow was beaded with sweat the monastery at the foot of the peaked, heaven-kissing mountain, had been closed in consequence of the heresies of its inhabitants; but in the gorges of these great heights there were still many recluses, some in a small Coenobium, some in Lauras and separate caves, and among these perchance Paulus might be found.