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There found she impetuous Ares sitting, on the battle's left; and his spear rested upon a cloud, and his fleet steeds. Then she fell on her knees and with instant prayer besought of her dear brother his golden-frontleted steeds: "Dear brother, save me and give me thy steeds, that I may win to Olympus, where is the habitation of the immortals.

"Strikes me, Master George," said Morgan, "that they're thinking that winning one little battle's enough work for the day, and I shouldn't be much surprised if they went back on board. They don't want to fight us, only to frighten us away." "Think so?" I said. "They attacked the Indians very bravely." "Don't see much bravery in a hundred men firing at a lot of savages who are running away.

Oh, how our pulses leaped and thrilled, when, at the dead of night, We saw our legions mustering, and marching forth to fight! Line after line comes surging on with martial pomp and pride, And all the pageantries that gild the battle's crimson tide. A forest of bright bayonets, like stars at midnight, gleam; A hundred glittering standards flash above the silver stream.

And many a stalwart heart will quail, That never quailed in fear! And the breast that like some mighty rock Amidst the foaming sea Bore high against the battle's shock Now heaves like infancy.

Headquarters wants information. Get it!" To McGee, he said, with something of a sting in his voice, "Considering the chances Siddons used to take, I'd think this squadron his own group would be equal to this task." It was a lash. Furious, yet realizing the justice of the taunt, McGee again took off, determined not to come back until he could bring some real news of the battle's progress.

"As God wills, my son," answered the sire. "I said the time might come when you should bear the battle's brunt. If your heart calls you I will not say nay. I gave you to your country, and dare not hold you back." "Young maister," said McKay, with Scottish fidelity, "whaur ye gae, I'll gae. I'm an auld mon, noo, an' how better could I gi' ma life, gin sae it's written, than for my King?

"Keep in the rear of the troops, my son, and take your orders from Major Sheaffe or of the army surgeon. I told them both what we were sending, as they passed. Keep out of gunshot and avoid capture: the time may come only too soon when you'll share the battle's brunt yourself." "I wish it were to-day, father. I'd give almost anything to be with Brock and his brave fellows."

With lagging pace the morning hours dragged heavily away, And yet we wait the coming strife, in battle's stern array. A solemn stillness reigns around but hark! a savage yell, As if ten thousand angry fiends had burst the gates of hell, Now thrills upon our startled ears. By heaven! the traitors come! We see their gleaming banners, we hear the throbbing drum.

It was true, the combatants might vary their manoeuvres, so as to render all parts of the periphery of a certain circle around them, anything but agreeable; but the chances were greatly in favour of the battle's beginning, with one party to windward of the other. Our ship behaved well on this occasion, getting out of the way with sufficient rapidity.

On May 17th we sailed from Gravesend in the Happy Return, two ships accompanying us for Hudson Bay, and a convoy of the Royal Marine coming as far as the north of Scotland to stand off Dutch highwaymen and Spanish pirates. But I made the news of Jack Battle's marriage the occasion of a letter to one of the queen's maids of honour.