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The bear and the leopard are found. There is no end of monkeys. There are sixteen kinds of bats here, and all your base-ball clubs could be supplied from the stock; and there is a flying fox, which might amuse you if you could catch one. He is a sort of bat; and the more of them you shoot, the better the farmer will be pleased, for they feed on his fruit.

"What for?" queried Allan, as they drove away. "Reasons of my own," she answered, crisply. "Men are as blind as bats." "I'm wearing glasses," he returned, with due humility. "If you think I'm fit to hear why you left that cryptic message, I'd be pleased to." "You're far from fit. Here, turn into this road."

They also brought on board some pigeons, of which we found plenty on all the islands where we touched in these seas: also in many places we saw many large bats, but killed none, except those I mentioned at Pub Sabuda. As our boats came aboard, we weighed and made sail, steering east-south-east as long as the wind held.

Speak! Thou son of bats and moles thou six feet of sand thou mummy out of the cliff caverns! Can monks do works like these? 'Other men have laboured, and we have entered into their labours, answered Philammon, trying to seem as unconcerned as he could. He was, indeed, too utterly astonished to be angry at anything.

I am afraid to give an estimate as to the extent of this immense cave, it requires, however, five or six hours to partially see its curiosities, and of course would take far more time to investigate it properly. The only living creatures met within it, appear to be bats, which are not very numerous.

During the night the men were tortured by bats, which bit them; and if one of these animals bit a man while he was asleep, he lost his blood, and was in danger of losing his life. It is even claimed that some people did die on account of these wounds. If these bats find a cock or a hen at night in the open air, they strike them on their combs and kill them.

She nodded. "Yes," she said, "I want to stop now. Please pull up over there, in front of that shop with the cricket bats in the window." The shop was what we, in America, would have called a "sporting-goods store." I piloted "Pet" to the curb and pulled up. "I am going in," said Miss Morley. "Oh, don't trouble to help me. I can get down quite well."

Although not strictly in order, this seems not an inappropriate place to notice one of the most curious peculiarities connected with the bats their singular parasite, the Nycteribia.

"And it is a queer crew that serve you, Anaitis, who are Queen of Cocaigne: for I can hear them talking, far back of us, and their language is all a cheeping and a twittering, as though the mice and the bats were holding conference." "Why, you must understand that these are outlanders who speak a dialect of their own, and are not like any other people you have ever seen."

The princess got up and walked slowly to the gate. She felt wounded and was crying, and she felt that the trees and the stars and even the bats were pitying her, and that the clock struck musically only to express its sympathy with her. She cried and thought how nice it would be to go into a monastery for the rest of her life.