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"That is to say," we replied, "the blockheads were not born in Concord; but who said they were? It was their unspeakable misfortune to be born in London, or Paris, or Rome; but, poor fellows, they did what they could, considering that they never saw Bateman's Pond, or Nine-Acre Corner, or Becky-Stow's Swamp. Besides, what were you sent into the world for, but to add this observation?"

If it occurs to you next time you write you might ask him when he's thinking of coming." Her manner was so unconcerned that only Bateman's acute sensitiveness could have discerned in her request a very urgent desire. He laughed lightly. "Yes. I'll ask him. I can't imagine what he's thinking about." A few days later, meeting him again, she noticed that something troubled him.

The natives are very ferocious; few vessels put in without partially suffering by their depredations, particularly seamen who, having ventured from their parties, have been by them cut off, robbed, and murdered. This place is called Two-fold Bay; ten leagues farther north is Bateman's Bay.

"My lady, Miss Bateman desired me to let you know, my lady, that there is the Lady Playdels, and the colonel, and Sir James, in the drawing-room, just come; and she begs, my lady, you will be pleased to come to them; for Miss Bateman's waiting for you, my lady, to repeat the verses, she bid me say, my lady." "Go to them, Mr. Vivian; I cannot go."

Here Campbell looked at his watch, and then at Willis, whom he had driven over to Melford to return Bateman's call. It was time for them to be going, or they would be overtaken by the evening.

In conscious count of time he knew of months, many of them; but he had no way of estimating the long intervals of delirium and stupor. And how fared Captain Bateman of the blackbirder Nari? he wondered; and had Captain Bateman's drunken mate died of delirium tremens yet?

Was the Common Prayer the English Mass, or the Communion-service, or the Litany, or the sermon, or any part of these? or were Bateman's words really a confession that there were clergymen who actually said the Popish Mass once a week? Bateman's precise meaning, however, is lost to posterity; for they had by this time arrived at the door of the chapel.

He was determined to bring the conversation back to Isabel and was looking for the occasion when he saw Edward wave his hand cordially. A man was advancing towards them on the terrace, but Bateman's back was turned to him and he could not see him. "Come and sit down," said Edward gaily. The new-comer approached. He was a very tall, thin man, in white ducks, with a fine head of curly white hair.

Bateman's address, and promised that the invitation should reach him in good time. "I wonder if he will come. How he would love it!" thought Mary. Sir John glanced at her pleased face with marked approval. "And now, Miss Aylmer," he said, turning to Florence, "who will you have present the one you love best: your mother, for instance?"

I hate to drive alone; and there's no fun in this sort of expedition unless there's some one along with you." "You are very kind," said Mrs. Gray; "but I have promised Mr. Gray to go with him at four to call on some friends who have just arrived at Bateman's, so it's quite impossible for me to go with you. Who is the old woman? Do you recollect her name?"