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The old man stared about him in a dazed fashion. "I've got my specimens in this here bandanner," he explained quaveringly. "I fell over the ledge, was the way I chanced upon it at the last, and I lay dead for a spell. My head's busted right bad.

"He heard 'em name it how they'd get the mine from him or thought he did and he come out and talked loud, and grabbed for the bandanner, and he missed it and fell down the steps. He wasn't crazy when he come to the house. He was jest plumb wore out, and his head was hurt. He called it yo' silver mine. He said he had to put the bandanner in yo' lap and tell you hit was for you."

I didn't know but 'twas a mule and a bandanner hankercher," said Jim; "and whar be ye goin' to sleep to-night?" "In the canoe, I suppose, if some hospitable man doesn't invite me to sleep in his cabin." "An' if ye sleep in his cabin, what be ye goin' to do to-morrer?" "Get up." "An' clear out?" "Not a bit of it."

So peace descended like a beautiful vision, and there was four hundred and forty dollars for each of us, with a twenty over that we tossed for, and engineered to let Sarah win. Tom said we might shake hands on a good night's work, and went home in high spirits, jingling his money in a bandanner.

Uncle Pros had failed to find Mavity Bence, and was returning. Too dazed to comprehend mere words, the old prospector read instantly and aright the attitude and expression of the two. As they tied the last knot in the handkerchief, he loomed above them, white and shaking. "You thieves!" he roared. "Give me my bandanner! Give me Johnnie's silver mine!" "Yes yes yes!

"Yes, I'm a-going to get a chance to work right away," she smiled up at him. Frontispiece He loomed above them, white and shaking. "You thieves!" he roared. "Give me my bandanner! Give me Johnnie's silver mine!" "Lost gone! My God, Mother it's three days and three nights!" The car was already leaping down the hill at a tremendous pace.

Oh, yes, he did; and Pap's got his pieces of ore upstairs in a bandanner; and him and Shade Buckheath aims to git it away from you-all and oh, I don't know what!" There fell a long silence. At last Johnnie's voice broke it, asking very low: "Did they how was Uncle Pros hurt?" "Neither of 'em touched him," Mavity hastened to assure her.

But the ore specimens, they're right here in the bandanner, and I aimed to give 'em to Johnnie to put 'em right in her lap the best gal that ever was and say to her, 'Here's your silver mine, honey, that your good-for-nothin' old uncle found for ye; now you can live like a lady! That's what I aimed to say to Johnnie. I didn't aim that nobody else should tetch them samples till she'd saw 'em."

He was mopping his eyes with his red bandanner. I was consider'ble shook up myself. The dear land knows we was more used to huckleberry pies and clam chowder than we was to liveried servants and costly dishes, but there was something in the way that feller read off that slush that just worked the pump handle. A hog would have cried; I know I couldn't help it.