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Ritchie came up to him on the campus after breakfast and took him to one side. "I say, Jordan," he began in a confidential tone, "there's a good deal of mystery going on around these diggings." "How's that?" inquired Frank with a smile. "Banbury's crowd are up to something, and I feel sure it concerns you in some way." "I can't understand how that can be."

"Are you going to dear Lady Banbury's to-morrow?" she asked. Lady Banbury was the wife of the English Minister. "I suppose I shall be there in the course of the evening." "How very nice she is; is she not? I do like Lady Banbury; so soft, and gentle, and kind." "One of the pleasantest old ladies I know," said Mr. Glascock. "It does not strike you so much as it does me," said Mrs.

Two of Banbury's men were on bases, when Frank noticed a ragged urchin run up to a crowd of spectators. The strange boy asked some questions, and the lad he addressed pointed to Frank. "Are you are you Mr. Jordan?" the youngster panted, running up to Frank. "Yes," nodded Frank. "Please, sir, quick there's a man in the old cabin on Greenlee's farm.

Some of Banbury's crowd informed their leader of what was waiting for him, and Banbury managed to sneak out of the school by the rear, and reached the depot at Bellwood and was on his way home before Ritchie found out that he had escaped. "Well, let him go. A good riddance," commented Ritchie, when he was informed of the fact. "His crowd needs a further cleaning out, though.

He seemed to lose his old-time unsociability, and went right in with the jolly crowd that composed the stanch following of Dean Ritchie. It was just after the nine o'clock bell had rung that evening when Bob so mysteriously disclosed his suspicions of the initiation plots of the occupants of the adjoining room. "They're all Banbury's crowd," he explained to Frank.

One foot dragged, and he acted like a person in acute pain. At the encouraging word, however, he braced up, made a prodigious spurt, but at the end of fifty yards hobbled and fell flat. A cry of dismay went up from the Ritchie crowd, while Banbury's adherents made the air echo with delirious shouts of triumph. Suddenly, however, Bob was on his feet again and off down the course like an arrow.

He just hollers and yells, and he's smashing a great big bracelet with shining stones in it." "Jordan!" "Hi don't miss it!" Whiz! Just past Frank's head flew a fly from the bat Frank had not turned in time. But he heeded not the yells, "Deserted his colors!" "Run away again!" or the fact that his neglect had sent two of Banbury's cohorts home.