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But he will listen to me and we'll make those boys confess the whole ay, and have up Ballhatchet himself, to say what your traffic with him was; and we will see what old Hoxton says to you then, Norman." Dr. May and his son felt keenly and spoke strongly.

Ballhatchet," said Norman; "and since it is liable to have such strange properties, I cannot allow it to be used any more at the school." "Very well, sir-as you please, sir. You are the first gentleman as has objected, sir."

You disbelieved! but I'll see justice done you, Norman, the first thing to-morrow. Well " "Well then, I said, old Ballhatchet could tell that I crossed the bridge at the very time they were doing this pretty piece of work, for he was sitting smoking in his porch when I went home, and, would you believe it? the old rascal would not remember who passed that evening!

And Ballhatchet was so much convinced of "that there young May" being in earnest, that he assured his persuasive customers that it was as much as his licence was worth to supply them. Evil and insubordination were more easily kept under than Norman had expected, when he first made up his mind to the struggle.

And Anderson junior called me names, and licked me. Look there." He showed a dark blue-and-red stripe raised on the palm of his hand. "I could not write well for it these three days, and Hawes gave me double copies!" "The cowardly fellows!" exclaimed Norman indignantly. "But you did not go?" "No, Anderson senior stopped them. He said he would not have the Ballhatchet business begin again."

A little cringing shrivelled old man stood up in astonishment. "Mr. May! can I have the pleasure, sir?" "Mr. Ballhatchet, you know that it is contrary to the rules that there should be any traffic with the school without special permission?"

"Oh, yes, it is," said Tom, his voice cut short by gasps, the remains of the sobs. "They would not hear me! I tried to tell them how you told them not, and sent them home. I tried to tell about Ballhatchet but but they wouldn't they said if it had been Harry, they would have attended but they would not believe me. Oh! if Harry was but here!"

The whole of the transactions with Ballhatchet, and Norman's part in them, had been explained, as well as the true history of the affray in Randall's Alley how Norman had dispersed the boys, how they had again collected, and, with the full concurrence of Harvey Anderson, renewed the mischief, how the Andersons had refused to bear witness in his favour, and how Ballhatchet's ill-will had kept back the evidence which would have cleared him.

"You could not make it straight, papa, without explaining about the dealing with Ballhatchet, and that would be unfair to them all, even the old rogue himself; for I promised to say nothing about former practices, as long as he did not renew them." "Well! I don't want to compromise you, Norman. You know your own ground best, but I don't like it at all. You don't know the humiliation of disgrace.

He said he would not enter on the question whether I had been present at the repetition of the outrage, as he called it, but what was quite certain was, that I had abused my authority and influence in the school; I had been setting a bad example, and breaking the rules about Ballhatchet, and so far from repressing mischief, I had been the foremost in it, making inflammatory harangues, leading them to commit violence the first time, and the next, if not actually taking part in it personally, at any rate not preventing it.