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A curtain at the back of the Sanctuary had been drawn aside; and for the second time that evening, the face of Bale-Corphew confronted her through the dusk. For one instant Enid stood spellbound; then involuntarily she stepped backward, crumpling the slip of paper in her hand. At the same movement Bale-Corphew advanced and, passing the Mystic, indicated the Sanctuary curtain.

Enid, inspired by sudden terror, rose to her feet; Bale-Corphew sat gripping the arm of his chair, his face contorted, his mouth working, while a rustle, an audible murmur of excitement passed over the whole chapel, and the Precursor, who all along had been crouching at the foot of the throne, turned quickly and anxiously towards his master. But the Prophet reassured him by a gesture.

With a gesture of violent excitement, Bale-Corphew rose; at the same instant the Precursor sprang to his feet and stood in a defensive attitude before the Throne. The whole scene was enacted in a second. Enid, grasping its full meaning, turned very white and dropped back into her seat, while the whole congregation strained forward in unanimous amazement and curiosity.

With an agitation equal to Bale-Corphew's own she moved to the fireplace and pressed the bell. When the servant appeared she turned to her. "Norris," she said, in a quiet voice, "show Mr. Bale-Corphew out."

No more a Prophet no more inspired than you or Bale-Corphew!" He stopped abruptly and drew a slow, deep breath. The pause that followed was long and strained. In the grip of strong emotions, each stood rigid, striving vainly to read the other's face. At last, goaded by the silence, he spoke again. "You have done this!" he cried. "You have compelled me to tell you!

In the opportunity that the slight pause gave, Bale-Corphew sprang forward and, resting his hands upon the Sanctuary railing, faced the congregation. "People!" he cried, hoarsely, "be not deceived! This man pretends to tell you what he is. He is blinding you weaving a bandage of specious words across your eyes. But I will undeceive you. I will tear the bandage " He hesitated, stammered, paused.

Tell him I'm out ill anything you can think of " But her voice suddenly faltered, and her words ended in a gasp, as she glanced from the servant to the door, which had abruptly reopened, displaying the face and figure of Bale-Corphew himself. Without hesitation he had entered the room; and without hesitation he walked straight towards her. "Forgive me!" he exclaimed.

The spiritual enthusiast is not easy to hold in check, once he has been aroused!" Enid stared at him, the pupils of her eyes dilated, her lips pale. "You mean ? You mean ?" she stammered; then her fear found voice. "What do you mean?" she demanded, in sharp, alarmed tones. Bale-Corphew met her question, steadily.

Horatio has literally swept her into the fold. She was here to-night to bend the knee to you." A look of recollection crossed the Prophet's eyes. "To-night?" he said. "Not the woman who sat beside him? The woman with the big eyes? She and Bale-Corphew! The idea is absurd!" "Undeniable, nevertheless. I have deduced the story.

"And, like an unreasoning animal, you turn to devour the thing that has hurt you?" "I demand justice." She threw out her hands and laughed suddenly and hysterically. "And you call this justice? You call it justice to trap one man and set a hundred others loose upon him?" But Bale-Corphew turned upon her. "And what is this man to you?" he cried.