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A surrender of the official Imperial position so unexpected and so contrary to the intentions of the Colonial Office, as that which Bagot had made, provoked a natural reaction. Bagot's successor was one of those men of principle who are continually revealing the flaws and limitations implicit in their principles by earnest over-insistence on them.

Sneyd took me with her to-day to Lord Bagot's to return Lady Dartmouth's visit; she is a charming woman, and appears most amiable, taking care of all those grandchildren. Lord Bagot very melancholy, gentlemanlike, and interesting. Fine old cloistered house, galleries, painted glass, coats of arms, and family pictures everywhere. It was the first time Lord Bagot had seen Mrs.

He was greatly excited when the news of Bagot's concessions arrived. Arbuthnot describes his chief's mood as one of anger and indignation.

Here comes some one!" exclaimed Sam. and the boys put out their light, which was burning low. "It's Dr. Mead; I know his step," said Jack. "I'll bet he's on his way to Bagot's room," spoke Sam. "Cracky! I'm glad it isn't me." "It's only good luck it isn't!" put in Jack.

We only went a short distance to Bagot's Creek, where I renewed my arguments. Mr. Carmichael's reply was, that he had made up his mind and nothing should alter it; the consequence was that with one companion I had, so to speak, discharged, and another who discharged himself, any further exploration was out of the question.

Bagot's eyes blazed. "Why didn't you offer rum rum? They'd have done it for that one five ten kegs of rum!" He swayed to and fro in his excitement, yet their voices hardly rose above a hoarse whisper all the time. "You forget," answered the priest, "that it is against the law, and that as a priest of my order I am vowed to give no rum to an Indian." "A vow! A vow!

"Why don't you look where you're going?" called an angry voice, as the car sped on. "Are you hurt, John?" cried Jack, springing to pick up his friend. "No, only bruised. They have nerve to go running without lights and then ask us where we're going. I wonder who they were." "I have an idea." said Jack. "That voice sounded like Adrian Bagot's." "What, that sporty new student?" "That's who."

I knew the three Belgian Sisters would be all right, as they have a good cellar at their house, and I could trust Lady Bagot's staff to look after her. All the same, it was a horrible night, full of anxiety, and there seems little doubt that La Panne will be shelled any day. My one wish is let's all behave well.

On turning to descend, his attention was attracted by a bright green rock jutting from the earth. It seemed to him peculiar, so he broke a small piece off and carried it down to Captain Bagot's house, where he and the captain examined the specimen, and came to the conclusion that it consisted of the mineral malachite, containing copper in combination with water and carbonic dioxide.

Lady Bagot's is the happiest and most serene place here; her men are Church Army people, and they have evening prayers in the ward. It does make a difference. Scandals also exist out here, but they are merely silly, I think, and very unnecessary, though a little conventionality wouldn't hurt anyone.