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I do not understand why the renown and prestige of the great name of Garrick do not attract modern actors to follow in his footsteps. Do not tell me that the works of Shakespeare are out of fashion, and that the public no longer wants them.

Her tiny supple hands were easily fitted by number five, and tired and thirsty with our efforts we left the store and found our way to a tea-shop. The change in dress made matters easier. She did not attract much notice now; and unless any one looked very closely at her, she would pass for any little ordinary, unattractive European girl.

When the angel descended from heaven to take Elijah from earth, he found the two so immersed in a learned discussion that he could not attract their attention, and he had to return, his errand unfulfilled. Elijah's promise to bestow a double portion of his wondrous spirit upon his disciple was realized instantaneously.

The other day I heard of a Frank Channing in Parliament; probably the same man. But either the effect upon him of his voluntary expatriation his failure to obey at eve the voice obeyed at prime or some other cause, has prevented him from ever doing anything to attract attention, or to appear commensurate with his radiant promise.

"Oh, I wish this were a dream!" returned the girl devoutly; "for I've offended Edna." "How?" "If I only knew! I've gone through every incident of my stay, and I can't find a clue. I've been so careful about Mr. Dunham." "About Mr. Dunham?" "Yes; never to try even to attract his attention or behave as if I expected him to notice me." "I don't understand at all," said Thinkright.

When the ong was nearest he moved about slightly to attract its notice. He had not long to wait. With a mighty swoop, the bird dashed to earth, and as it arose, the young brave was seen to be clasped fast in its talons. A great cry of horror arose from the camp, but it was the sweetest note the young brave had ever heard.

At this school, little Thomas had learned how to conjugate Latin verbs and how to copy manuscripts. Then he had taken his vows, had put his little bundle of books upon his back, had wandered to Zwolle and with a sigh of relief he had closed the door upon a turbulent world which did not attract him. Thomas lived in an age of turmoil, pestilence and sudden death.

"If you will pardon me for interrupting you, sir, I fancy Mrs. Travers is endeavouring to attract your attention." And at this moment a ringing "Hoy!" which could have proceeded only from the relative in question, assured me that his view was correct. "Just step this way a moment, Attila, if you don't mind," boomed that well-known and under certain conditions, well-loved voice, and I moved over.

Having no social connections, she came gradually to make a friend of her singing-mistress. She would keep her to breakfast, take her to drive in the new coupe and to assist in her purchases of gowns and jewels. Madame Dobson's sentimental and sympathetic tone led one to repose confidence in her. Her continual repinings seemed too long to attract other repinings.

By the time I had prepared my hook, greatly to my satisfaction, his line was ready. It was not so long as we should have liked, but still long enough to allow the bait to sink sufficiently below the surface to attract the unwary fish. Tim, in the meantime, had been cleaning our guns, the locks of which, not having been covered up, had prevented their use at the moment they were so much required.