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And then, they're what you might call fixed point men here, one there, with instructions they'll be skinned alive and burned if they leave their exact position. Trotters has a roving commission, to nose and snarl whenever he's minded. You can't poison him, for he won't eat from strangers. You can't see to knife him in the dark, because he's ash-colored and moves too swift.

Study that song-sparrow: why is it that he always goes so ragged in spring, and the bluebird so neat? is it that the song-sparrow is a wild artist, absorbed in the composition of his lay, and oblivious of ordinary proprieties, while the smooth bluebird and his ash-colored mate cultivate their delicate warble only as a domestic accomplishment, and are always nicely dressed before sitting down to the piano?

And over all was flung a delicate veil of ash-colored mist, that made things seem far from one another. "Ah, there'll be a pretty dance by evening!" said Chelkash, nodding his head at the sea. "A storm?" queried Gavrilo, working vigorously at the waves with his oars. He was already wet through from head to foot with the splashing the wind blew on him from the sea. "Aye, aye!" Chelkash assented.

Just at the crossing of two broad walks, a vine-roofed kiosk gave shelter from the late sunshine, while its bamboo screens were half raised to show the long perspective of garden walk and distant lawn. Save for the orange grove at the left and the ash-colored leaves of the silver wattle above them, Weldon could almost have fancied himself in England.

The specific gravity of the blood removed was 1030, and after standing for two or three hours, a grey or ash-colored sediment settled, the proportion of this being about 20 per cent. of the whole amount of the blood.

A green carpet covered the floor, and the windows had light blue silk curtains. "Green and blue together, Veronica?" "Why not? The sky is blue, and the carpet of the earth is green." "If you intend to represent the heavens and the earth here, it is very well." The paper on the wall was ash-colored, with penciled lines. She had cloudy days probably.

Samentu took some of the ash-colored sand, poured it on the pavement, put in the middle of it a piece of the cord which he had found at the pot, covered all with a heavy stone. Then he touched the cord with his torch, the cord burned and after a while the stone sprang up in a flame. "I have that son of the gods now!" said Samentu smiling. "The treasure will not be lost."

The eyelids, the lips, the nostrils, the flesh of the cheeks, were either gone or reduced to fetid rawness. The neck was a mass of ash-colored scales. One hand lay outside the folds of her habit rigid as that of a skeleton; the nails had been eaten away; the joints of the fingers, if not bare to the bone, were swollen knots crusted with red secretion.

Tony Cornish was, however, seated at the table, and the major recognized two paper-makers whom he had seen before. One was an aggressive, red-headed man, of square shoulders and a dogged appearance, who had "radical" written all over him. The other was a mild-mannered person, with a thin, ash-colored moustache. The major nodded affably.

Here she turned and removed from her dress the ball of ash-colored silk, which was climbing to her shoulder. "Go away, Puffie, go away! I have no time for thee now." She pushed away the little dog, which sat on the carpet some steps distant. Darvid felt a stream of pleasant warmth flooding into his breast from the words of his daughter; but on principle he did not like enthusiasm.