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Exterior to Conscientiousness comes Patriotism, or love of country. Parallel to the posterior part of Firmness lies Heroism, or Hardihood, next to which come Health and Oratory, then Approbativeness and Playfulness, running into Sense of Honor and Magnanimity.

"Yes, the character is written on every feature. You see that lady on the second row of seats, back of our pug-nosed specimen? When she smiles, her upper lip curls up on one side, and when her countenance is at rest, her upper teeth are slightly exposed. That is the sign of approbativeness, love of applause, compliments, desire to attract attention, etc.

This once done the convert finds himself among pleasant companions. His social station is improved people shake hands with him and solicitously ask after his welfare. His approbativeness is appealed to his position is now one of importance.

Cautiousness. 11. Approbativeness. 12. Self-Esteem. 13. Benevolence. 14. Reverence. 15. Firmness. 16. Conscientiousness. 17. Hope. 18. Marvellousness. 19. Ideality. 20. Mirthfulness. 21. Imitation. Individuality. 23. Configuration. 24. Size. 25. Weight and Resistance. 26. Coloring. 27. Locality. 28. Order. 29. Calculation. 30. Eventuality. 31. Time. 32. Tune. 33. Language. Comparison. 35.

I was greatly impressed when he remarked that I had a large bump of approbativeness and would sometime be an editor. As to the bump, feeling over my own head, I never could find it. My mother said it was inside and that the phrenologist meant I must be a good boy. I was quite used to that interpretation of everything concerning myself.

You can see the same element of character in the fact that she inclines her head to one side nearly all the time. Her costume is almost loud. Her voice certainly is, for we have heard it at this distance several times." "Approbativeness is not a very desirable element of character, then." "That depends upon perversion. In the present instance it is turned to bad account.

They are religious subjects; but worked in, after the manner of a true diplomat, are various portraits of brave men and handsome women. To pose a worthy senator as Saint Paul, and a dashing lady of the Court as the Holy Virgin, was most gratifying to the phrenological development of approbativeness of the said senator and lady.

Amativeness, 7. Most men love the conflicting sex, and all men love to be told they do. Alimentiveness, 8. Don't you see that he has burst off his lowest waistcoat-button with feeding, hey Acquisitiveness, 8. Of course. A middle-aged Yankee. Approbativeness 7+. Hat well brushed. Hair ditto. Mark the effect of that plus sign. Self-Esteem 6. His face shows that. Benevolence 9. That'll please him.

While I hadn't the slightest knowledge of Phrenology, I was more or less familiar with the terms used by them, such as benevolence, veneration, firmness, self-esteem, approbativeness, caution, combativeness, ideality, etc., etc., and began at once to delineate the boy's character.

Then, to tickle the approbativeness of the slave, it was declared a virtue not to work on Sunday, a most pleasing bit of Tom Sawyer diplomacy. By following his inclinations and doing nothing, a mysterious, skyey benefit accrues, which the lazy man hopes to have and to hold for eternity.