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He approached the small building on the bluff, from the rear, and entered it, and one mystery was explained the building was but the cover to the entrance to an immense underground warehouse. A lantern was hanging near by, and the detective seized it and descending the stairs entered a great store-house. A sight met his gaze which filled him with amazement.

I interviewed applicants of both sexes and all nationalities, but there was none perfect; no, not one. I was not exactly discouraged, but I certainly began to grow anxious as the time approached when I should need my dairymaid, and need her badly. "Wanted: Employment on a dairy-farm by a married couple who understand the business."

"Well, and even if you are, sir," replied Andy, who, guided by his voice, had now approached and joined him; "even if you are, sir, I trust you'll bear it like a Christian and a Trojan." "Get out, you old sniveller what do you mean by a Trojan?" "A Trojan, sir, I was tould, is a man that lives by sellin' wild-fowl.

The meat was not directly upon his path; moreover, the animal appeared infuriated as he approached. He had been stung by the shot, and was bent upon revenge. It was a terrible moment. The angry monster was within three hundred yards of them. In a few seconds he would be upon them, and one or the other must become his victim.

Already sunset fires had waned; but the high top of the fir that crowned Rushford Bridge still glowed with a great light on its red bark; an uprising Whiddon, where it lay afar off under the crown of Cranbrook, likewise shone out above the shadowed valley. Martin Grimbal approached his brother and laid his hand upon the fisherman's arm. He stood the smaller in stature, though of strong build.

A man was seated at the wheel of the motor car, and turned his head quickly as they approached. Mr. Fielding nodded pleasantly, though his face was white with excruciating pain. "Kept you waiting, I'm afraid," he said. "Can you drive at all in a wind like this?" "Jump in, sir, and see," the man answered. "Is the young lady coming?" Mr. Fielding nodded, and stepped into the front seat.

NERO, while a young man before his accession, tried his powers in nearly every department of letters. He approached philosophy, but his prudent mother deterred him from a study which might lead him to views "above his station as a prince."

Calder, with head bent, pondered over the man of mystery and his two tamed animals. Tamed? Not one of the three was tamed, the man least of all. He saw Dan pause from his eating to stare with wide, vacant eyes among the trees. The wolf-dog approached, looked up in his master's face, whined softly, and getting no response went back to his place and lay down, his eyes never moving from Dan.

"Waiter," sez he, "bring on some tutty-frutty to once." The waiter approached cautiously, and made a motion to me, and touched his forehead. He thought he wuz crazy, and he whispered to me, "Is it caused by drinkin'? or is it nateral and come on sudden "

The village of Chitlane is situated, like all others in the Barotse valley, on an eminence, over which floods do not rise; but this last year the water approached nearer to an entire submergence of the whole valley than has been known in the memory of man.