United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I append a portion of a table of earnings, prepared a year or two since by the chaplain of the Clerkenwell prison, a thoughtful and earnest worker among the poor, this table ranking as one of the best of the attempts to discover the actual position of the workingwoman at present: "Making paper bags, 4½d. to 5½d. per thousand; possible earnings, 5s. to 9s. a week.

"It's a trifling matter, no doubt, but since you will be charged under the name of William John Trewlove, it will be a mistake to put 'G. A. Richardson' on the cheque." "It was an error of judgment, sir, my giving your name here." "It was a worse one," I assured him, "to append it to the receipt for Miss Jarmayne's rent." "You don't intend to prosecute, Mr. George?" "Why not?"

I also had search made for any conveyance of the property mentioned in the will by William Paul's administrators. I append a copy of a letter from Mr. J. P. H. Crismund, a county clerk of Spottsylvania County. "SPOTTSYLVANIA, VA., June 7, 1901.

* Forbes, vol. i. p. 134, 136, 149, 150, 159, 165, 181, 194, 229, 231, 235 241, 253. Forbes, vol. i. p 387 Jebb, vol. i. p. 448. Keith, Append. 24.

In the Scientific American of August 28th, 1886, a correspondent gave a very explicit demonstration of the theory of the curve, and, as it has the virtue of being more scientific than the one given above, I append it in full. The rotary motion, C, generates a current of air about the periphery of the ball, a current similar to that caused by the revolving flywheel of a steam engine.

He hung persistently about the approaches of the janitor's lodge, tramping up and down the paved courtyard with feverish impatience, for more than three hours, watching for every officer who came up and interviewing him, and thus it was that he had become acquainted, piecemeal, with the rapid series of events; how General de Wimpffen had tendered his resignation and then withdrawn it upon the peremptory refusal of Generals Ducrot and Douay to append their names to the articles of capitulation, how the Emperor had thereupon invested the General with full authority to proceed to the Prussian headquarters and treat for the surrender of the vanquished army on the most advantageous terms obtainable; how, finally, a council of war had been convened with the object of deciding what possibilities there were of further protracting the struggle successfully by the defense of the fortress.

As the whole war has risen out of Kruger's persistent refusal to keep his promises, both verbal and in writing, that he would observe this condition, I append the clause giving rise to the contention:

A rumor had been diffused in the north of an intended rebellion; and the earl of Sussex, president of York, alarmed with the danger, sent for Northumberland and Westmoreland, in order to examine them: but not finding any proof against them, he allowed them to depart. * Camden, p. 421. Haynes, p. 540. Lesley, p. 80. * Haynes, p. 552. Haynes, 595. Strype, vol. ii. Append, p. 30.

Another experience of haunting by the same animal was told me by a Chelsea artist who assured me it was absolutely true. I append it as nearly as possible in his own words. Heralds of Death "It is many years ago," he began, "since I came into my property, Heatherleigh Hall, near Carlisle, Cumberland.

Suddenly he flung up his long arm, and in a solemn and resounding voice commenced a chant, of which for convenience' sake I append a rough, a very rough, translation here, though, of course, I did not then comprehend its meaning. It was an invocation to the Sun, and ran somewhat as follows: There is silence upon the face of the Earth and the waters thereof!